Game Over

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There was the crew in HIM place, but there was no sign of Blossom at all, the place looked like inner hell itself, but Brick didn't care about that at all, he wanted to see Blossom so as the others, but lets just say he wanted to see Blossom more, he was desperate, he really needed to see her, but just when he was about to tell something to HIM, he appeared next to the crew with a evil grin on his face.

¨I know what you are thinking, where did he keep Blossom?!, im gonna kick him so hard.¨said HIM mocking Brick

¨ I swear that if you don't tell me where she is I will...¨said Brick furious

¨Oh don't worry about that, you will see her I was just preparing her for our visitors arrival.¨said HIM with a evil grin on his face

¨¨said Boomer worried

¨Wait a it just me or is there someone in that throne sitting down?¨said Buttercup confused

¨But HIM is the only one who sits there I guess...there is nobody...Oh no..¨said Bubbles worried

¨If that's who I think it is, then is probably not gonna end well..¨said Butch

¨...Wait..its BLOSSOM?!¨said Brick in shock

¨Oh she probably is!, why don't you go and figure it out?¨said HIM smiling

¨BLOSSOM..! BLOSSOM!¨said Brick running towards where Blossom was

¨Umm brother not to ruin your romance hero move...but I don't think that....its a good idea that you go there..¨said Butch confused

But Brick wasn't listening at all, he just wanted to save Blossom no matter what, everything happened so unexpected that he didn't knew what was happening, but all he knew is he needed to save her, Blossom basically risked her life for him, and that was something that none other had done for Brick, and he wouldn't have expected it from her, besides she hated him didn't she?, she was a hero, and he was a villain, it was always supposed to be as it was, heroes always succeed, villains just end up losing everything, and Brick in this moment understood villains always lose, but heroes they always won, so maybe just maybe this time, he could show Blossom, that even if he was a villain, he could be a hero just for her, he needed to tell her so many things, his emotions, everything, and he wasn't leaving no matter what, and he said no matter what he really meant no matter what, but that didn't mean he was gonna have to deal with the thing he didn't expect ever in his life, and why this?, because Blossom surely greet him, but not in the way he expected it at all.

¨Oh my god Blossom you are here...look im so sorry...if there was a away to understand what you me I do, but we can talk this...¨said Brick standing in front of Blossom

¨.....Hahahaha...¨said Blossom staring at him

¨Huh...? Did I say something bad?¨said Brick confused

¨...Are you always this miserable when you come to ask forgiveness?¨said Blossom smiling

¨....Wait what?¨said Brick more confused

¨You won't understand it, cause you are a miserable villain, and me as the hero will always defeat a villain.¨said Blossom blasting him off with her powers

¨....You arent like this..., Blossom listen to me..wait a minute..HIM what did you do exactly to her?!¨said Brick

¨Oh me? nothing!, lets just say I kinda explored her true emotions for you, and well they are out...¨said HIM smiling

¨....This isnt Blossom at all.., WHERE IS BLOSSOM?!¨said Brick angry

¨Oh you done recognize the one you truly say you adore?¨this is the real Blossom, but you didn't bother to knew her at all, you were so attached to the hero/villian thing you didn't knew her for real.¨said HIM laughing off

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