Little Girls vs Little Boys

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Back where our girls were 10 years old they fighted three similiar boys to them..

The City Of Townsville...where our heroines always save the day, where families live all happily together, where the sun is always shinny and people are always happy. Or at least when the villians arent under attack.

There was a time where our heorines girls always tend to save the day no matter what, but one day, Mojo Jojo was sick of losing all the time, so he created a chemical x for his own little villian kids, to mess around with the Powerpuffs, and so by this he could win more easily to them, so you have them here, three little boys with the same qualities the Powerpuffgirls had, but just in this case in a evil way.

The first one was Brick, leader of the group, red eyes, tiny little freckles, pale skin and orange hair.  The second one was Boomer, the silly one of the group and the cute one, blue eyes, pale skin, also with some little freckles, and yellow hair. The third one was Butch, the strongest of the group, green eyes, pale skin, and black hair.

At the moment Mojo-Jojo knew his plan was perfectly done, he said to the boys, this would be a great oportunitty for them to show their strong and powerful habilites. Of course at the start, the boys didn't listen a word he was saying , all they wanted to do was eat, and that was it. Which made Mojo-Jojo kind of annoyed at the situation, he wanted to get rid of the powerpuff girls no matter what, and if this was the only way, he learned to be patient, and this would take a while."

"Girls! Wake up!, breakfast is served!¨ Professor Utonium said to the three little girls, with a brighten smile on his face, he adored so much his little girls, he would do anything for them, even some different pancakes for each of them.

¨Professor!, Buttercup took my plushie again!, tell her to give it to me!¨said Bubbles making a tantrum all over the place.

¨Come on Buttercup..., give your sister the plushie...¨said Professor to Buttercup while smiling to her.

¨B-B-But Professor!, I don't know why she wants it!, its a old plushie and no one wants it anyway!.¨ said Buttrcup with an annoyed face.

¨Well maybe..but Bubbles likes that plushie a lot don't you think?..., it would be nice if you give it to her..¨said Professor trying to calm Buttercup down.

¨Ugh...fine!, I will give the plushie to Bubbles...¨said Buttercup in an annoyed voice.

¨And by the way, where is Blossom?, she never gets late to know if she is coming.?¨said Professor with an confused look on his face.

¨Oh oh!, she said she was gonna clean her bow!, I don't know why she likes it so much!¨said Bubbles eating her pancakes of puppies.

¨Blossom!, your pancakes are gonna get cold!, you better come down!.¨ said Professor being worried.

¨Im sorry Professor!, I was cleaning..-¨

¨Your Bow, we know Blossom, you always do the same..¨said Buttercup eating 3 pancakes at the time, with a annoyed face.

¨At least, I clean and have an order of my things!¨said Blossom being hurt by her sister comment.

¨Girls, girls, calm down.., remember breakfast is the best moment of the day.., because if we don't eat our breakfast..we will get not healthy...and we need...¨


¨TOWNSVILLE IS IN DANGER!, WE NEED TO SAVE IT GIRLS!¨Said Blossom rushing out of the door flying all over.

¨But Blossom!, the major hasn't even...*sigh* goodbye Professor!¨said Bubbles flying all over rushing to where her sister was

¨What?, this pancakes are great...¨said Buttercup eating the pancakes not caring about Blossom

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