The Unexpected Is So Expected

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Here is the cabin Blossom!, now if you want we can talk a know we are coming back to the city in some days and...¨said Dexter but was interrupted by Blossom

¨....Yeah uhm look kinda tired today...but tomorrow for sure we can talk more about this!¨said Blossom smiling and going to her cabin

¨...Oh..uh..sure! I will be waiting!¨said Dexter confused and walking off

¨There is only one way...break his heart, the same way he did with yours.¨Those words were so much into Blossom head, she didn't want Brick to lose his memories of them when they were kids, but the only way to cure that was breaking his heart?, and just now that she was knowing a side from Brick she didn't even knew, just right now when they had kissed and she felt something she never did, not even with Dexter, this was different it felt so sincere, but how could it possibly be? everything was because of a love potion and she knew it, the fact Brick could fall in love with her so much but it would become a desire an obsession worried her, she just wanted revenge she never asked for this, she was so confused, she was getting dizzy on her thoughts until she heard someone talking to her.

¨Blossom-...?, you have been staring at the floor for 3 everything okay..?¨said Bubbles worried

¨Wh..a-at? oh yeah sure..I was thinking stuff..¨said Blossom confused

¨....Normally I would say Bubbles is the weird one of the group...but right now you are just getting at her level.-..¨said Buttercup

¨....Hey! im not weird!¨said Bubbles annoyed

¨...Sure sis sure.¨said Buttercup

¨Look whatever you are thinking im fine, I just need sleep thats it¨said Blossom going to bed and ignoring her sisters

¨Hmm....¨said Bubbles staring at Blossom

¨...Seriously, I don't even get anything of this, im gonna sleep.¨said Buttercup

¨Maybe...just maybe...this is the beginning of a good story...dont you think Octi?¨said Bubbles talking to her plushie

¨...BUBBLES GO TO SLEEP GODAMMIT!¨Said Buttercup annoyed and throwing a pillow to her

¨...HEY! OKAY OKAY I WILL!, BUT DONT HURT OCTI!¨Said Bubbles getting ready to sleep


¨......I...didnt kiss her...¨said Brick lying to his brothers


¨...Im telling you I didn't..¨said Brick with a serious tone in his voice

¨Then care to explain to us..why do you have little gloss on your lips?..¨said Butch teasing him

¨.....What I do with my lips its not a bussines of yours..¨said Brick annoyed

¨...Maybe...but still you didn't deny my point..¨said Butch

¨....Uhmm Butch what if he is telling the truth...¨said Boomer

¨Huh..?¨said Butch and Brick at the same time

¨I mean i don't thinking Brick couldn't kiss her cause he has a girlfriend and respects her ...¨said Boomer


¨...As much as it surprises you asshole, I didn't kiss her, because I wanted to do it in front of your face.¨said Brick annoyed

¨..Oh does that sound as a challenge brother?¨said Butch with a grin on his face

¨....Challenge or not, I wil do it and in your fucking face.¨said Brick

¨....And in front of your girlfriend face...?¨said Butch laughing

¨Ummm guys...just asking what would happen if Blossom kisses Brick?¨said Boomer

¨Oh well that is way more interesting isn't it Brick?¨said Butch smiling

¨....Boomer stop saying nonsense shit..¨said Brick annoyed but blushing

¨....I was just asking...¨said Boomer

¨..You know what?, that is way more interesting, if Blossom kisses you, I will ask Buttercup out.¨said Butch

¨You like....Buttercup? seriously have some awful choices...¨said Brick

¨...Who said anything about like, I wanna get laid bro different.¨said Butch

¨But you said...that...¨Boomer continued talking but Butch interrupted him

¨And Boomer will ask Bubbles out.¨said Butch

¨...Yeahh!!....wait what?, Thats wasn't even part of the plan Butch!¨said Boomer

¨Hey, one suffers we all suffer right? besides you don't have to worry, Im not thinking Blossom would kiss other person other than her boyfriend..¨said Butch

¨...¨Brick stared at the floor blushing remembering the kiss he and Blossom shared

¨¨Unless Brick did something and he isn't telling us...¨said Butch teasing him

¨...Leave me the fuck alone godlike, if i told you i didn't kiss her then i didn't.¨said Brick

¨Let me tell you it surprises me you didn't, I expect more of our leader.¨said Butch

¨.....Im gonna fucking destroy your face.¨said Brick angry


¨GODAMMIT SHUT UP!, okay we will stop with this but shut up!¨said Brick

¨Just im gonna say...if Blossom kisses you, you have to interrupt the kiss and tell her you don't care for what she says and that you have a girlfriend.¨ said Butch

¨.......How the fuck do you come with so many bullshit ideas.?¨said Brick annoyed

¨The same way you agree to do my bullshit ideas bro.¨said Butch

¨....For fuck sake...Im gonna go to sleep, my head just hurts from hearing so many nonsense shit.¨said Brick

¨Sure...whatever our LEADER says..¨says Butch smiling

¨....Asshole..¨said Brick going to sleep

¨....*sigh* Why can't we just talk like normal people??..¨ said Boomer

¨Hate to break it to you...but if Butch is in the family don't expect normal in the family.¨said Brick annoyed and going to sleep

¨....Keep saying what you want you know im right..¨said Butch smiling and going to sleep

¨...*sigh* I hope Bubbles is okay..¨said Boomer staring at the ceiling

And with that everyone fell asleep, everyone was calmly sleeping, except for Blossom and Brick they were staring at the ceiling all over, thinking about the kiss they had shared, and both of them without realizing it, touching their lips with their own fingertip, both of them never felt something so unique in a kiss, and that was what made them think so much in the night, they knew they kissed each other, but maybe cause of the shock ness they hadn't really thought about it, until now, the world was spinning, their thought were also spinning around, it was like they were connected by something so extraordinary, it felt so pure and kind, something they never knew a kiss could haven with that same thought they shared, both in their own bed, and both of them staring at the ceiling, said the same thing, at the same time

¨....We...really....did...kiss....¨both Blossom and Brick said before closing their eyes and falling asleep.

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