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¨So?....¨Boomer keep staring at Brick

¨ ....Yes!, I will do what I need to do!, You are making me lose my time come on lets go!¨said Brick going off annoyed

¨.....Brick tomorrow is the camp...we need to pack things...¨said Boomer

¨......Im not gonna go to that stupid thing, Geek-boy made.¨said Brick

¨.....Blossom is going with Dexter..¨said Boomer

¨.....Im going...just because I want to bother geek-boy.¨said Brick going off

¨Oh....Brick...¨said Boomer staring at him from behing and smiling


Blossom went out of his home with her sisters, they were ready to get into the school-bus, she was really happy about going to a trip, she adored to go out in visits to school, the only difference was that this camp lasted at least 3 days, and Dexter wanted to be with her all along, and she didnt had a problem with it, she decided to stop thinking about boy-stuff and focus on her own fun, and she started talking to her sisters.

¨....Im surprised you are not sad about being suspended and now coming to school again..¨said Bubbles taking her things out

¨...Yeah...whats gotten into you?¨said Buttercup

¨With me..? Oh nothing!.., Lets say me an Dexter are again well!¨said Blossom smiling

¨....And what about the Brick-stuff?¨said Buttercup

¨.....Oh...well, Brick is just Brick, so I decided to ignore everything and just focus on having fun with my own sisters!¨said Blossom smiling

¨.....Are you on drugs?.¨said Buttercup

¨Of course not, come on lets go!¨said Blossom


¨I really wonder where are we going!¨said Blossom staring at the window very happy

¨.....I forgot how happy you used to be...its good to see you like this!¨said Bubbles giggling

¨.....Yeah....I still think you are doing drugs..¨said Buttercup

¨....At least, I dont spend my time not realizing Butch stares at me all the time.¨said Blossom giggling

¨...Wha...hey!, stop saying nonsense!¨said Buttercup blushing and putting headphones

¨Im so glad they gave me the opportunity to take care of my girls!, and to come to this trip!, Im really into natural places, so think of me as a friend not a teacher!¨said Professor Utonium

¨....Umm Professor..thanks...but I would prefer to talk.¨said the teacher

¨Oh sorry...¨said the Professor

¨Our seats are taken off, so please Blossom...go to the back where there are 4 seats please.¨said the teacher

¨....Yes...I will.¨said Blossom sitting up

Then Blossom saw a familiar face, it was Dexter, he was getting into the bus, and this was new, he wasnt wearing his own lab coat, he had normal clothes and that made him look good for Blossom, she smiled at him and waved at him, so as Dexter did, he was walking to where Blossom was, and he took a seat next to her, they were smiling next to each other.

Not many time passed, when Bell went up in the bus, and saw Blossom and Dexter and decided to ignore them but sadly for her she needed to take a seat where Dexter and Blossom where, cause they were the only 2 seats available, so she sat next to the window far away from Blossom and Dexter, and then last one but not least important, Brick went up to the bus, he was wearing some blue dark jeans ripped off, and a red hoodie with also his hat, and some black boots, he stared at the seats, and Bell waved at him making him the signal to seat where she was, the only seat available next to Dexter which was next to Blossom, all he stared at was Blossom, he saw her wearing a blue skirt, and a pink shirt, with some brown boots, and as usual her own bow with her, he actually never cared of what she weared but for some odd reason, he noticed it, and he saw Dexter with different clothes, and for some reason that make him mad, he decided to take the seat next to Dexter, but not in a good mood, thats when Bell hugged him, Brick felt uncomfortable being hugged by Bell, although she was his girlfriend, normally he didnt feel this, but it was new to him, he just fake smiled at her, and put his headphones with her so he wouldnt talk to her, as for Dexter he was reading a book, and Blossom was staring at the window watching cars go by, since when did Brick pay many attention to Blossom?, he never did, and he didnt knew why he started doing it.

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