Romeo and Juliet

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"Jojo!¨said Blossom calling Brick

¨Huh..? is that your girlfriend..?¨said the random girl who was with Brick

¨Hahaha....not even in a million of years, im pretty but not dumb.¨said Brick laughing at the comment

¨When you are done flirting, could you please just at least pay attention to what I am saying?¨said Blossom

By saying that Brick said goodbye to the girl and kissed her in the cheek, smiling at her. In a way Blossom felt disgust, how can anygirl possibly like Brick??, He was nothing but a lame-ass.

¨Well speak, I dont have all the time.¨said Brick annoyed

¨....Exactly we dont have all the time.¨said Blossom annoyed

¨Wait what?, what are you talking about.?¨said Brick confused

¨Well Dexter had some stuff to do...and he changed the date of the play.¨said Blossom

¨Oh perfect that means I dont have to deal with you anymore, thanks.¨said Brick with a relief

¨Sadly, you have to.¨said Blossom annoyed

¨....And why would I do that.?¨said Brick angry

¨Because the date of the play is tomorrow smart-ass.¨said Blossom annoyed

¨....If I didnt knew, Id say you changed the date, cause you are willing for a kiss, I mean I dont blame you.¨said Brick showing off

¨....Look, as much as I hate you and want you out of my life, this play means a lot to me, so either way you cooperate or I dont participate.¨said Blossom

¨....You wouldnt do that, its your favorite play.¨said Brick annoyed

¨Watch me...leader.¨said Blossom angry

¨ what...we rehearse and then you stop fucking around.? ¨said Brick angry

¨....Consider it a deal.¨said Blossom angry



¨Oh my gosh! I cant believe it! Its today!!!!!, today is the play!!!!!, Blossom arent you excited! its your first play!¨ said Bubbles

¨ Im seriously gonna record this, this will be your first kiss¨said Buttercup

¨For your information Buttercup, I already had my first kiss.¨said Blossom annoyed

¨Yes you did, but in the cheek, its nothing compared to kissy kissy on the mouth.¨said Buttercup laughing

¨I dont know what so funny, you also kissed Butch, and I dont see you not talking to him¨said Blossom

¨.....A kiss on the cheek doesnt count Blossom.¨said Buttercup blushing very little

¨Then that means I haven't kissed anyone.¨said Blossom smiling to Buttercup

¨I think kissing its not bad...¨said Bubbles blushing

¨.....Bubbles...this kissing thing is not helping me..¨said Blossom annoyed

¨But you look beautiful!¨said Bubbles with shinning eyes admiring Blossom costume

¨You really think so..?¨said Blossom

¨YES!, Can I choose your bow?¨said Bubbles happy

¨...Sure Bubbles.¨said Blossom smiling


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