In The Forest

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Everyone was arriving to the wood-fire, Brick was annoyed by what Butch said, he really thought Brick couldnt do a dare?, he was a leader, he was never afraid of anything, yes its true he had a girlfriend, but still, it was just a simple kiss, and beside he didnt say where exactly, but knowing Butch sure he meant on the lips, but Brick had a girlfriend, and that would be considered cheating, but come on Blossom kissed him on the play and she liked Dexter it was the same, the problem was, how exactly would Brick think of a plan to kiss Blossom, it was just to get rid of stupid Butch nonsense, he didnt liked Blossom, he wanted to kill her, I mean sure right now he really didnt want to kill her at all, and he thought of her as someone who was nice and also pretty but come on he wasnt gonna say to Butch, that would say he really liked Blossom and he really didnt, but just how he was gonna kiss Blossom?, Geek-boy was there, not that Brick eventually cared but Blossom did, he was his boyfriend, he needed to do it in a secure place where no one saw, but if he didnt kissed her then how was Butch gonna know he did it?, his head was spinning all over with many thoughts of how to do it. But surely what happened next didnt help him at all, you could see was him walking alone thinking what to do, but then someone went from behind and hugged him.

¨OHHHHH SURPRISEEEE!, Hey I missed you!.¨said Bell smiling at him

¨Oh....Hi Bell...¨said Brick

¨I went out of Dexter cabin, man he is so lame, seriously...I dont even know what Blossom sees in him..¨said Bell laughing off

¨...Yeah....¨said Brick annoyed

But there was his idea, this was maybe what he needed, and since Bell was there with him she could help somehow, sure it was a lie, but Brick Jojo never said no to a dare, so he thought of what he could do, and this was it.

¨Ummm Bell...honey..¨said Brick

¨ never call me honey....that sweet...¨said Bell blushing

¨Oh...uh..ehm...., Look I have an idea for messing up with Blossom and Dexter, I mean it would be so funny to make fun of them right.?¨said Brick

¨....Oh Brick, you know I was worried about seem so distracted...but feels like you are the same as usual...Im in! so whats the plan?!, we go together and what do we do?¨ said Bell excited

¨...Umm no...we can go together..¨said Brick

¨Huh...why?¨said Bell

¨...Uhmm cause...I...I have your gift! and I wanna give it to you later!¨said Brick fake smiling

¨.....Oh my present....!, Dont worrry Brick, Im gonna mess with both of them!¨said Bell

¨...Just...I need you to distract he cant be with Blossom...and she can¨said Brick getting nervous

¨...Oh I know!, she can cry about her boyfriend leaving her abandoned!¨said Bell laughing off

¨....Yeah! that! right!, I was gonna say that!¨said Brick 

¨Leave that to me!, Im gonna give you the best present ever!¨said Bell giggling and going to Dexter cabin

The teacher was arriving to the woods at night with all the students, getting ready for the fire-wood, you could see everyone arriving except Bell and Dexter, sure Brick told Bell to get rid of Dexter as soon as she could in a way she could handle distracting him, so everyone arrived and seated down.

¨Im so glad you decided to come!, we are only missing  Dexter and Bell, but nothing to worry!, Dexter sent me a text, some company from the school needed his participation in a call, so he may come with us but a little bit late.¨said the teacher

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