The Prom

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¨Dont worry..I won't take'll see..¨said the mysterious voice to Blossom

¨Look whoever you are..I dont care I had a big emotional day, so please tell me what you want and leave me alone.¨said Blossom

¨Oh its not anything from you that I want, In fact im here to tell you, I really like Brick, and dont get it wrong, but he actually told me all the bad things you did to him when you two were kids, and that is bothering him from life.¨said the mysterious voice

¨If you are one of his fans or whatever, just leave me alone, I dont have time for this stuff.¨said Blossom getting annoyed

¨Oh Blossom, im not a fan, im even more than that, im just here to tell you, to stop messing with his time, and im saying this in a good way because i really care for him.¨said the mysterious voice

¨...*sigh* Look Bell I know its you, but I dont know what do you expect me to say to you with all of these, Im not into Brick and thats the true, so leave it.¨said Blossom annoyed

¨Blossom this is for his own good, Brick is a nice person, not the horrible monster you think he is, I actually know him well, and I still dont understand why he thinks so much in you, when you were about to kill him twice.¨said Bell

¨Wait..twice?, Bell look that is nothing you should worry about, its my personal life and you are kinda getting into it.¨said Blossom 

¨...You think he doesnt tell me?, first was when you two were kids, and then in the play, and in both situations you kissed him, you knew kissing him defeats  him, you need to stop.¨said Bell angry

¨Bell for the last time, I didnt mean to kill him, it was just a play.¨said Blossom annoyed

¨Look Blossom I dont care whats your relationship with him, I dont even care for you, but im telling you this because he is suffering because he wants to get rid of you, and you not letting him do that makes his life more miserable.¨said Bell

¨So what? I just kill myself or what?¨said Blossom annoyed

¨Honestly I dont care, just please, please if you are not gonna leave him alone, at least see the good things he has, cause he is not the asshole you think he is, Im going to prom with him, that isnt gonna change, but at least for one day just be nice to him.¨said Bell

¨Bell in case you dont know, Brick doesnt care if im nice with him or not.¨said Blossom annoyed

¨I know him more than you do, all you is judge him no matter what.¨said Bell angry

¨.....He wants to kill me Bell please.¨said Blossom angry

¨And yet he hasn't done it, you are alive, I know Brick and he could kill anyone without hesitation, so im surprises why if he wants to kill you, you are alive, just think about it, cause you also judged me when I was new in school, your choice Blossom, im telling you this in the good way, dont make me use the bad way.¨said Bell hanging up

¨...*sigh* I better get read for the prom..¨said Blossom ignoring what happened


Blossom was searching for her dress, so she could be ready for the prom, she had so many, but this wasnt only gonna be a normal prom, this time she was gonna go with Dexter, and that excited her, but for some reason, she was also thinking about what Bell told her about Brick, what if she was actually right?, what if at some point Brick wasnt the same asshole as he was before?, but he left her alone in the rain, having an umbrella, how could she possibly believe that Brick was nice, it was just to much to think about, so she started to get ready, this went gonna ruin her date, while she was doing that, she thought of not taking her bow with her, sure it was a part of her, but maybe just for today she didnt need it, she stared at the bow for many time until she heard a voice.

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