The Three New Students

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The three girls  were heading to school, getting ready for their first day, besides first days were always important to them, mostly to Blossom, studying was one of the things she loved the most. As for Bubbles she enjoyed going to school cause she can be with her friends, and of course take photos of cute animals. And Buttercup well basically she loved school cause of sports, there wasnt a time where Buttercup was not doing  sports at all. Of course Bubbles and Buttercup had many friends to spent time with, but they sometimes feel kinda bad for Blossom, people knew Blossom and they liked her, but the only person Blossom hanged with was Dexter.

It was known Blossom had a crush with Dexter since they were 16 years old, she meet him in some laboratory science fair. As a difference from their sisters, Blossom loved everything about science, and well Dexter was the science brain of all, they were really great friends. But Blossom always liked him, the problem was Dexter was too much into science, even more than Blossom, that he barely noticed her feelings. But Blossom could live with that, besides Dexter was the only guy that had been there for her always.

As for Bubbles, many people, mostly boys loved her and adored her, cause of her nice heart, and kindness, but Bubbles wasnt into romance at all, sure she liked it, but she was more into adorable things, and making animals feel always good. She loved everything that involved colorful things, and sweet things. And sometimes she hanged with friends, that also take care of animals like her.

And Buttercup, was the leader of sports, no one was better than her in sports, nobody at all. Buttercup always hanged with boys, and sometimes (rarely) girls, since she was more of the tomboy personality, but still she knew she was a girl, no wonder, Buttercup always got mad if someone mistake her for a boy, she was a girl, and she knew girls could kick-ass no matter what.

The three girls entered their classes, taking a seat each of them. They were ready and waiting for the teacher to enter. Normally the teacher didnt took long to enter, but this time she took her time, wich was weird for everyone. Dexter entered the class, he was always there before the teachers, and normally they entered with him, and this time there was no sign of the teacher even at that moment. But Blossom forgot about the teacher when she saw Dexter, she was still into him, and of course she stared at him for many time, until Dexter broke up the silence.

¨Hello Bloss, you look nice today, do you know why the teacher hasn't arrived?¨said Dexter confused and intrigued about the situation.

¨Hi, no...actually I have no idea at all...¨said Blossom blushing a little by Dexter comment.

¨Well....that gives us more time to study..i think that is nice.¨said Dexter smiling to Blossom

Just by finishing that sentence, the teacher arrived with some papers in her hand, and getting ready to speak to the students.

¨Hello students, you need to forgive me, I was searching some papers, cause as you know we have three new students joining us in the class, so I hope all of you show respect to them, they have travelled a long way to be here, but im speaking to much, i think its better for them to present themselves...Come on...present yourselves..¨said the teacher smiling to the door which was open.

Just by some footsteps, everyone seemed intrigued about the new students, they looked really interesting, and each of them were different from their looks. Everyone looked so intrigued and fascinated, everyone except Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup.

¨You....¨said Buttercup

¨Have got to be...¨ said Bubbles

¨Kidding me...¨said Blossom

They couldnt believe it, this wasnt happening, not right now, they needed to be dreaming, it was long time ago, this feelt so weird for each one of them. They were completely speechless. 

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