Stuck In The Moment

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¨We need to talk..¨said Brick

With that Brick stood up, and sat down in a bench that was across the forest, he was really nervous and he didnt knew why, he never felt like this when he was with Blossom, this was all new, for some reason all the bad things he thought about her were step by step disappearing, and he didnt knew why, but all he knew is he wanted to tell Blossom some stuff he needed to tell, he just didnt knew why he wanted to do it, but he needed to do it. Blossom stood up, and saw Brick looking at other place except her but still wanting to talk to her, she was curious, she never saw this side of Brick, it was intriguing but yet so confusing, she sat down next to him in the bench, closing  her legs and looking at the floor.

¨....Yeah..?¨said Blossom

¨Look....¨Brick let out a sigh, before saying what he wanted

¨What is it..?¨said Blossom curious

¨....I dont know why I wanna tell you this..., but well...honestly, I just dont hate you like I thought before...somehow...I think you are really pretty, and that you have a great personality...not that I really care..but just for you to know I  dont hate you...and I actually kinda like you.¨said Brick

¨...Y-y-y-ou l-l-ike m-m-me?¨said Blossom blushing at the comment of Brick

¨...What?, yes I'm telling you that..¨thats when Brick thought of the words he said, he didnt meant that way, but he did like her as a friend, realizing this, he blushed hard.

¨Umm....I dont know what to think, I...¨said Blossom nervous

¨I DIDNT MEAN IT IN THAT WAY!, ARE YOU STUPID?!¨said Brick blushing hard as a tomato

¨ dont¨said Blossom confused

¨What?, No I mean I do, just not in that way because...¨Brick turned around to see Blossom

All he saw was a sad face, and that hurted him in the chest, it was like he felt Blossom pain, but before he didnt even knew Blossom could feel this bad, it was like Blossom controlled him by some strange reason, and damn even Blossom with a sad face, she looked so damn pretty, Brick was just confused why didnt he realize it sooner?, Blossom was one of the prettiest girls in the whole school, Dexter was so damn lucky, but why was he thinking this right now?, he needed to focus, but all he was thinking about was Blossom, he was so lost in her, and he hated it, he didnt knew what was happening to him it felt so odd, yet so new for him.

¨...I mean...not like that!, Cause I dont like you!, I ..I have a as you, I mean a girlfriend..¨said Blossom nervous and blushing

¨Yeah...Blossom, normally I wouldnt say this to you..but I think I need to tell it...something inside me, wants me to say it..¨said Brick blushing

¨...Umm what is it?¨said Blossom

¨Nothing forget it.¨said Brick blushing hard and being ashamed looking into the ground

¨Okay.....maybe I should....look for a way know...go back to the wood-fire with everyone else..¨said Blossom nervous and standing up, preparing to go away

¨ Im just....sorry.¨said Brick ashamed and not even looking at her

¨No no no no!, dont be, just, I dont know how are we gonna get out of here...since you know, I dont even know this place and well its quieter, and basically being here on the night doesn't help at all.¨said Blossom talking nervously

¨.....¨Brick wasnt even speaking at all, you could see he was ashamed

Blossom felt stupid talking alone, it seemed like Brick was ashamed of spending time with her, so she just let out a sigh and started walking off, but she was not expecting what happened next, this was just something she would never expect in her life, she was totally surprised by it.

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