Wanna Try Again?

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¨....Look! he is alive he didn't die!¨said Bubbles in joy at staring at Brick opening his eyes

¨....He is technically death...¨said Buttercup annoyed

¨...You know what I am saying Buttercup.¨ said Bubbles annoyed

¨....Why on earth am I still here?!, How am I even dead?!, Why do you need my help?!¨said Brick worried

¨Okay first, you are here cause we need you to solve something and that's the reason why you are dead¨said Boomer smiling

¨Just how exactly am I gonna be able to help you at all?!?!?!, IM DEAD¨said Brick shouting

¨ Holy fu...stop whining we are gonna explain this sh.. to you.¨said Butch annoyed

¨Explain.¨said Brick angry

¨You did things wrong, you weren't supposed to die, that's why you are here, we are gonna help you go back in time and fix this mess.¨said Butch

¨....How exactly did I make things wrong?!¨said Brick confused

¨Firstly, you shouldn't have spoken to Blossom like that considering she was under a spell.¨said Buttercup

¨She practically spelled me...¨said Brick

Everyone stared at him like if he was being serious at making a comment like that in that specific situation.

¨...Okay not the point..sorry¨said Brick

¨Anyway...you are gonna have to go back in time at certain moments of time where you blew it to avoid you death.¨said Bubbles

¨...Wait...you mean I blew it even before I was killed?¨said Brick offended

¨.....Well...pretty much..¨said Buttercup

¨....I just don't know what could I ever possibly done.¨said Brick rolling eyes

¨If you care about your life, you seriously have to listen.¨said Butch

¨Wait a minute but how the heck am I gonna be there if there is gonna be a version of me?, doesn't that affect the time thing or that stuff?¨said Brick confused

¨.........He actually has a point....¨said Bubbles

¨....Yeah...he can't meet his ownself or..well...¨said Boomer

¨..We know we know..., sh**, how are we gonna do this, normally Blossom knows what to do but she isn't here¨said Buttercup

¨Hmm..well he just needs to be careful not meeting himself doesn't he?¨said Boomer

¨...Yes...but one movement and its done.¨said Butch

¨....I have an idea...¨said Bubbles

¨.....Weird for you to say..¨said Buttercup

¨Im serious Buttercup...¨said Bubbles

¨....Just spit it..¨said Buttercup

¨....Well he can't be himself, but he has orange hair...and white skin...¨said Bubbles

¨.....Meaning...? ¨said Butch

¨Well....what if he uses a disguise?¨said Bubbles

¨.....But what kind of disguise?, there is no one who has my same color of hair, excepto Blossom, or that ne....No, never,no.¨said Brick

Everyone stared at themselves and smiled with a grin on their face.

¨....Oh my god....this is just too...much...¨said Buttercup laughing

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