Thinking About You

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So there were both of them walking together, Dexter and Blossom, Blossom couldn't help but feel guilt about what happened with Brick, she wasn't the type to cheat on someone, and of course not Dexter, she liked him since the were 16 years old, but still it was bad, she needed to tell him, but if she did that would mean that Brick could also tell about their kiss, and that was wrong, she really liked Dexter but now she didn't even knew what to do anymore. Thats when Dexter started talking to her.

¨So....where exactly...where you..?¨said Dexter with curiosity

¨ head I needed to...get some fresh air...¨said Blossom lying

¨Oh...I weren't cheating on me right..?¨said Dexter with curiosity in his voice

¨..W-W-W-W-hat...?!, No!....I would never hahahahaha!, you know me...I just don't do that stuff...ahahhaha¨said Blossom nervous

¨Hahaha Blossom, im joking, I know you wouldn't do that, you are my girlfriend you would tell me anything don't worry, I was just joking.¨said Dexter smiling

¨.....Hahahah...yes..I know...¨said Blossom nervous

¨..By the way...we need to head back, tomorrow we go back to the I was thinking we should have one date before we go off.¨said Dexter smiling

¨....A date?, you mean both of us...alone?¨said Blossom

¨Well yeah...unless a date is to just talk, then this would also be a date.¨said Dexter smiling

¨...Hahaha...yeah..sorry...¨said Blossom

¨You seem kinda...weird sure you okay..?¨said Dexter worried

¨Oh yes! yes!, its just you know....Brick..¨said Blossom not thinking what she was saying

¨...Brick?.....did he do something?¨said Dexter worried

¨...What?, ...Did I say Brick? hahahah..oh yes...he did...I MEAN you know he is always there and he just pisses me off...¨said Blossom nervous

¨....Yeah I can totally get that don't worry.....he is a jerk..., but you can rest, let me walk with you to where your cabin is.¨said Dexter

¨....Yeah...thanks..¨said Blossom

Blossom was so nervous, it was like if she cheated on a exam to get an A plus, she felt really worried about everything, and in what moment did Brick appeared on her thoughts?, the problem wasn't thinking about Brick, it was what HIM told her, if she wanted things to get normal between them, she needed to break his heart, and in the most posible cruel way ever, and she knew she couldn't do it, sure Brick was an asshole, but still Blossom wasn't the type of girl that did that, but to save Brick she needed to do it, the thing is if she would do it, this is what Blossom wanted, revenge and little by little she was getting it, but the more it went by, the more it worried her.

As for Brick he couldn't stop thinking about what just happened with Blossom, sure it was a bet from Butch, but still why did he enjoyed it so much?, and most importantly why did Blossom kiss him back?, that wasn't in the plan, and the worst of the situation, was he needed to tell Butch he kissed Blossom, or he was gonna lose a bet, and losing a bet to Butch, wasn't exactly nice at all, he was the king of jokes and bets, but Blossom asked him not to say anything, and usually Brick wouldn't give two damns about what Blossom said, but this time he did, the problem was he actually started to think more about her since the kiss, he was thinking of everything he didn't notice about Blossom in the beginning, her hair, her eyes, her lips, her body..and just when he started thinking about more situations with her, he forgot Bell was close to where he was, thats when he remembered he cheated on Bell, sure he knew he would do it, and it would be bad, but still it was a little kiss, the problem is he didn't imagine it would turn into a big kiss, now that was a problem, he was so lost in his thoughts, he didn't realize Bell was standing in front of him at a moment, and started to talk to him

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