Love Potion

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And with that ¨You have a deal¨from Blossom, the coffe store closed and turned into a evil place, where the coffe wasnt coffe but many potions and many magic spells.

¨UHUHUHUH I love making deals!, Im so glad you said yes!, let me explain to you how this works exactly.¨said HIM smiling with a grin

¨Im doing only this for justice, not because im a villian.¨said Blossom scared in a way

¨UHUHUHU Honey who said you were a villian?, I know how Brick Jojo is, which is why I know exactly what he needs.¨said HIM while he was searching through the potions

¨Um....what exactly does he need?, I mean you could just take of his girlfriend and thats it.¨said Blossom

¨...Oh UHUHUH tell me are you jealous Blossom?¨said HIM

¨What?, why does everybody assume that I like Brick, he even thinks of it!¨said Blossom angry

¨UHUHUHU you can tell me anything!, besides if you tell me...maybe I can make him suffer even more...¨said HIM

¨What exactly did Brick do to you, for you to want to make him suffer as a villian to a villian?.¨said Blossom

¨We all have our problems dear, nothing to worry about, just answer my question, do you like Brick Jojo.?¨

¨...........Maybe...a little...JUST A LITTLE..¨said Blossom blushing very little

¨....I have the perfect thing for Brick Jojo.¨said HIM laughing evily

¨...What exactly is it.?¨said Blossom with curiosity

¨Oh, its a little something for Brick to act with ¨maturity¨, he will finally be responsible for his actions, and probably he will be the one to suffer for all he done to you.¨said HIM

¨Why does it says ¨Love Potion¨?, No no look I want Brick to suffer, I dont want him to be all lovely with me.¨said Blossom annoyed

¨Oh Blossom, you seriously dont know anything about how a guy can suffer from love do you?, this is gonna make him fell the same pain you felt when he was with that girl Bell.¨said HIM whispering in Blossom ear

¨.....What do I need to do then,?¨ said Blossom with curiosity

¨Well there is something you dont know....but Brick always comes to this coffe store alone, and he also asks for coffe as you, which makes this simple, from this tiny little bottle you have to put it in his drink, and let him drink all the coffe to the last drop.¨said HIM

¨...Right, you are telling me Brick Jojo comes to this coffe store alone, and I never saw him?¨said Blossom

¨Indeed he does dear.¨said HIM

¨.....I get what I need to do, but my question is how do you suppose I will be there, if everytime he sees me he basically ignores me all over.?¨said Blossom

¨Leave that to me....besides...he always comes at a special hour.., like in 5 minutes...¨said HIM

¨.....Something tells me you are lying to me...¨said Blossom

¨UHUHUHUH Well see it for yourself.¨said HIM transforming into the random guy from the coffe store and changing the coffe store to normal

And in that moment, you could see someone walk, he had little blood in his cheek, like if he had fighted with someone, and a serious face, he had headphones in his ear and just walked towards the coffe table where people asked for their own coffe.

¨Give the same as usual, bartender guy¨said Brick without even looking at HIM

¨Sure, but its my resting time, this girl can help you.¨said HIM looking at Blossom

¨....I've had enough about appear on every single way that I am, what a pain in the ass.¨said Brick annoyed and going off the coffe store

¨No!, Brick!, Look I know how to do coffe...just let me do it, and I promise I wont ever be in your way again.¨said Blossom touching his shoulder

¨....Make one single thing..bad about this coffe..and I swear its the last thing you will do to me.¨said Brick putting her to the wall with a serious face

¨....Look, Im gonna make it well okay?, for a moment of your life just ignore im here and enjoy the damn coffe.¨said Blossom

Blossom kinda blushed at how close she was with Brick, but this time she wouldnt let him win over anything, so she took him apart and went to the coffe table, she saw the love potion on the table, and since Brick was distracted listening to music, it was her opportunity to make it right, normally Blossom wouldnt even do this stuff, she was way to intelligent for this, like really intelligent, but Brick really needed a taste of his own medicine, beside potions werent always forever, in some moment it would be over, she stared at the tiny little bottle, wondering if it was worthy or not, the coffe was done, besides it was the same that Blossom asked for in that coffe shop, so she memorized all the ingredients, but there was only one thing missing, the love potion, why was it so difficult, and why did she hesitated so much, she needed to focus, maybe this wasnt the correct way to deal with him, she didnt want to do it, she was gonna say HIM that this was to much, she was a heroine not a villian, but her thoughts changed when Brick took of his headphones and started talking to Bell on the phone.

¨Bell...I know, I know.., Im sad that I cant see you tomorrow, its totally that powerpuff fault, she got me suspended!, *sigh* No, I would never even be friends with her, besides I got her into kissing me in a dumb play, just to make fun of her for not kissing her true love first that nerd-freak, you totally would enjoy that!, on the coffe many troubles, I needed to get a coffe but im gonna go my home after this, I just wanna talk to you all over, but the stupid waitress is taking long to do my coffe, can you believe it?¨said Brick annoyed

¨....Thats it, no more nice girl.¨said Blossom opening the tiny bottle and mixing it with the coffe, while she was doing this she remembered what HIM said to her....

¨ Let him drink all the coffe to the very last drop.¨

Blossom finished mixing the potion with the coffe and went to where Brick was, he was still talking to Bell, and boy how does that annoyed Blossom, she just put the coffe in the table where Brick was with a smile.

Brick watched her, and took the coffe and started drinking it, while he was still talking to Bell, he looked with disgust to Blossom, and then hanged up with Bell, finishing his coffe and throwing it in the garbage.

¨Well at least, you know at least, how to do something.¨said Brick looking at her annoyed

¨Yeah yeah I know, its horrible...wait what..?¨said Blossom confused

¨You know how to make coffe, if only you had potential making coffe, in the same way without bothering people..¨said Brick

¨Ugh...whatever, im going home¨said Blossom

All Blossom could think was that bastard of HIM lied to her, everyone lied to her, this was really humilliating, Brick still treated her like garbage, there was no way a love potion could have effect on him, he was more than a villian, he was cruel, nasty, and mean, maybe a love potion wouldnt even affect a villian if he didnt have one single good thing of hear in him, she just grabbed her things and was ready to go to her home, but before she could do it, she heard Brick saying something she couldnt even believe.

¨....Im going to my home to..., we can walk together..if it doesnt bother you...or whatever¨ said Brick worried about her going off

Just in that moment Blossom looked at HIM with a face of ¨Is this real?¨

HIM smiled with a evil grin to her, and went back to doing coffe

¨You wanna walk with me..?¨said Blossom confused

¨......Its only a way of saying thanks for not spoiling the coffe I consider it a favor..¨said Brick looking at the sky, scratching his head

¨....Okay..we can walk together...¨said Blossom smiling

Just when they walked away, HIM was cleaning the coffes store, and then he saw Brick coffe on the floor, he opened it, and saw there was a tiny little drop on his coffe, and he smiled at the coffe and said to himself, ¨Oh...this is gonna be even better than I thought it would be...¨said HIM laughing maniacally while he was taking of his costume of coffe guy, trasforming again into HIM.

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