Pink Vs Red

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¨Wait what..?, why do you thought that.?¨said Blossom confused at what Dexter said

¨...I dont know..I just thought of seemed at some point, very interested in what he was doing, which didnt bother me at all really!¨said Dexter

¨ I promise you..I do not have a interest in Brick at all.¨said Blossom looking in Dexter eyes

¨I know! I know silly of me....Im sorry Bloss.¨said Dexter looking at her

¨Thank you Bloss, for accepting me as your boyfriend...¨said Dexter smiling

¨You dont need to thank me, oh wait, wait here, dont move im gonna go for something I forgot in my car, just wait¨ said Dexter running to a place

¨Sure¨said Blossom smiling

There you had Blossom being happy, for once in her life, it always feel like a mess with Brick, so it kinda felt unreal to be so happy with Dexter, sure she said yes to dexter in a rushing way, but she was so emotional from the Prom day, she wanted to do something correct in her life, thats when she decided to go into a place where she left her cellphone, she needed to check the hour, so she arrived at a good hour, but she couldnt find it at all, she started to worry, she needed her phone, what if Dexter called her?, she search in all the places, she went into the Rowdyruffboys house, she knew it was bad sneaking into a house that wasnt of her, but she needed her cellphone, so she started looking for it, she started to worry, and sat down in a couch thinking about where was the last time she saw it, she tried to remember, but she felt something was close to her, the lights were down, she couldnt see a thing, but she started to feel fear, she only felt fear in some situations, and one of them was when she was with him.

¨Brick...¨said Blossom annoyed

¨You seem really clever to know who I am by not looking even at me ¨said Brick

¨...*sigh* Just give me my damn phone will you.?¨said Blossom

¨Wow, you just assuume I actually have it without even hesitating, wow utonium, you really are the same girl I met since I was a kid, still dumb as hell.¨said Brick

¨...I dont care what you say...just give me my phone.¨said Blossom annoyed

¨...Fine, yes I took your stupid phone, I will give it to you.¨said Brick

¨Thanks¨said Blossom annoyed

¨Just if you say, you dont really like Dexter.¨said Brick with a grin on his face

¨....What the hell is wrong with you?!, I like Dexter, there is no way I will say that.¨said Blossom

¨...For fuck stupid do you think I am?, its obvious you are not into Dexter.¨said Brick laughing

¨...You know what?, stay with my phone whatever, I dont care what you do, just leave me alone.¨said Blossom angry

¨*sigh* ....Damn Utonium, you really are a pain in the ass you know that?.¨said Brick sitting down in a couch

¨....What do you even want?, Bell is out there, go with her.¨said Blossom

¨Exactly, you are just going out with Dexter not because you like him, but because you want to make me suffer, thinking going out with him its gonna kill me, I told you once and I can say it many times, Im the one who is gonna kill you, no matter what, you cant kill me.¨said Brick

¨Brick....if you wanted to kill me so much you would have done it..seriously you are ridiculous.¨said Blossom

¨I do wanna kill you, but it depends on which way I want to kill you.¨said Brick

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