Tiny Little Big Problems

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¨Bell likes Brick.¨Those were the only letters in Blossom's mind, over and over, she didnt knew why, why does that bother her so much at a point?, her emotions were on a path that she didnt even knew what was happening to her, Dexter just asked her to be his girlfriend, and he sooner or later was gonna ask her again, Blossom wanted Dexter and she knew it, she loved everything about him, but for some reason Brick was bothering her thoughts over and over again and she was getting sick of it, she wouldnt let her emotions control her at all, so this time she would be in school normal, ignoring Brick and Bell, and just focusing on what was important Dexter and school.

Bubbles and Buttercup already went to school, normally they didnt went to school without Blossom they were sisters, but that little fight made them a little angry at Blossom, mostly Buttercup, so basically Blossom had to go alone to school, which she never did, this was new to her, just by walking to school, she saw from far away Bell and Brick walking together and laughing, this annoyed Blossom so much, she couldnt stand looking at Brick at all, but now it bother her even more that Bell liked Brick, how on earth could she like Brick? didnt she heard about him? and how he was  a villain?, what on earth could she possibly see on him?, Blossom didnt get it, and it frustrated her so much, if there was one thing about Blossom was that she always wanted to know everything and the why of it, and this was completely killing her mind, but she decided to keep on walking.


Class was starting and Blossom sat where she usually sat down with Dexter, Dexter wasnt there but his backpack was there, normally he didnt take long, usually he was always the first one to arrive, but this time he was taking long enough, so Blossom took a look from the window, and she saw Bell next to Brick and they were talking to Dexter, to Dexter, just how and why would they be taking of his time of him arriving on classes on point?, Blossom normally didnt care about what happened to school, unless it was Dexter or her sisters, and speaking of her sisters she saw them sitting together and ignoring Blossom, it seem like Blossom day couldnt be worse.

Just by that moment Dexter came in and looked at Blossom and smiled to her, taking his seat next to her.

¨Bloss!, hey im sorry for taking long!¨said Dexter taking out his books

¨Oh dont worry! umm..Dexter just for curiosity...were you talking to Bell and Brick..?¨said Blossom intrigued

¨...Indeed I was!, ....wait how do you know Bloss?¨said Dexter in confusion

¨Oh uh...well...you three were the only missing in the class..¨said Blossom nervous

¨.... Oh! Right!, Yeah I was!, actually If didnt knew, I would say Bell and Brick make a beautiful couple, they seem to have so much in common, although they are friends, its like they are practically the same, they behave the same, act the same, Its rather interesting!, I have been studying that in my laboratory, they seem to  be like each other reflect, its amazing.¨said Dexter interested

¨...You think...?¨said Blossom with a little confussion in her voice

¨Yeah, according to scientist data, if a person is completely different to another one then the relationship may not progress at all, cause rather different personalities, tend to make the relationship complicated between the couple, thats why its a perfect option to find a partner that has the same qualities and personality as you.¨said Dexter thinking

What if what Dexter was saying was true?, that would explain so much in why Bell was so much into Brick, now that she think about it, both of them were mysterious, and in a way kind of weird, but still how can two people that are exactly the same attract each other so much?, thats when she started to think about how alike Dexter and her were, they were practically the same, maybe that was why Blossom was so much into Dexter, but Dexter was nice as her, and Brick was a villian and a stupid jerk, how could Bell be like that? for the little thing Blossom knew about Bell was she was weird and thats it,  Blossom was so lost in her thoughts that she didnt hear what the teacher said.

¨Hello class, Im glad to be here again with you, okay so please open your books on page 95 and we will read it turn by turn, but before we do that, we have a little announcement for you, our school-year is coming to an end, and we wanted to do something special about it, so the whole school is planing a final prom for all of you in honor of our 10 year anniversary from the school, you can bring whoever you want, its totally free!, be thinking about your partner! they day of the prom is coming very closely!.¨said the teacher to the students

¨This is great, in honor of our school....maybe I can take some science things so they can see them...right Bloss?¨said Dexter

¨What?, oh yeah right...sure!¨said Blossom still lost in her own thoughts

¨Ummm excuse me are you okay?¨said Bell

¨....Are you talking to me.?¨said Blossom

¨Sure I am!, you seem rather distracted, and well since you are the smart one of the class, I thought something bad happened.¨said Bell with worry

¨How do you know im the smart one of the class.?¨said Blossom

¨Oh easy!, Brick told me!¨said Bell smiling to Blossom

¨Wait a minute...Brick told you that?¨ said Blossom confused

¨Sure! ever since we started taking and hanging out, we never have been separated at all!¨said Bell to Blossom smiling at her

Something in Bell voice wasnt really honest at all, she was smiling, yes, but it was like it really wasnt a sincere smile, something was really weird in her and Blossom didnt like it at all.

¨Thats actually nice, thanks for telling me¨said Blossom annoyed

¨Oh sure not a problem! besides Brick told me to get you this!¨said Bell giving a card to her

¨Thanks! im just wondering, if Brick is right next to you with headphones why doesnt he give this to me on his own?¨said Blossom smiling

¨...Well you know..he hates being interrupted so he asked me to give it to you,¨said Bell smiling

¨Thanks Bell, thanks a lot¨said Blossom smiling

¨She is mysterious also as Brick, its nice they get along dont they Blossom?¨said Dexter

¨ Yeah it is!..¨said Blossom smiling but hiding her annoyed face


¨So uh Bloss now that class ended..I was wondering you know about..what I said to you...,you dont have to say anything....but..well...I was thinking if you wanted to go to prom together..¨said Dexter blushing

Blossom had dealt with many stressful things in her life right now, she needed to stay calm and at least enjoy something of her life, her sister were mad at her, her enemy practically ignored her and she didnt knew why, and the new girl was really weird and didnt really cause her a good impression, besides she liked Dexter and she need to give a chance to love, to the real love she liked, so Blossom made a decision and said to Dexter the next thing.

¨You know Dex?, yes, I will go to prom with you!¨said Blossom smiling

¨Nice!!! then we will meet tomorrow!, I will be there at 8:00 ó clock¨said Dexter smiling and getting into his parents car


Blossom went home, and her sister were already asleep, or they were just ignoring her, Blossom missed talking to them, but at this rate she only needed to stay calm and thats what she did, so she decided that before going to sleep she will be reading Bell card that was given to her in this case by Brick, but when she opened it , it was weird there was only a number in there, a cellphone number and it said call me to this number, Blossom was confused but still she wanted to know what was this about, so she dial the number and waited for a response, then moment later someone did answer the phone.

¨Ummm... hello?, Brick..?, why did you leave your number in here?¨said Blossom confused

¨ This is not my number...and other thing, Im not Brick.¨said the mysterious voice

¨Hmmm?, look if you want to play fine by me, but just tell me what you want, cause right now im not in the best mood to..¨said Blossom but before she could finish the voice keep talking

¨Dont worry...I won't take long...you'll see....¨said the mysterious voice to Blossom

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