The Red Hat

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As Bell was walking in the stairs, she was getting close to Brick's room,  Brick felt nervous, and Blossom too, they needed to act quick, like right about now. But they had to think of something, thats when Brick had an idea, and  it wasnt a very normal one.

¨Blossom...look I need you to do me a favor...¨said Brick worried

¨...Hmffp?..¨said Blossom with Brick hand in her mouth

¨Look...dont talk..just do this favor for me once in your fucking life..¨said Brick

¨At least let me talk!.¨said Blossom taking out Brick hand  of her lips

¨Blossom...please...I cant talk to Bell right now...¨said Brick

¨Well what do you want me to do then..?¨said Blossom annoyed

And at that moment Bell opened the door of Brick room, being worried, but still suspicious about why her boyfriend wasnt really that present at all with her.

¨Brick...? honey..?, I was calling you, but you didnt answer me...Im so angry they got you suspended and mostly because of Blossom...¨said Bell sitting next to Brick in his bed

¨¨said Brick

¨I still dont understand, could you find her pretty even when she was a little kid.¨said Bell jealous

¨....I...did?...¨said Brick confused

¨...Yes?, you told me when you showed me the school, that you thought since you two were kids, she was really pretty, including right now, but im so glad she isnt here, besides she was the one who caused all the trouble to you...Oh Brick I missed you so much..¨said Bell putting her head on his shoulder

¨Umm...yeahh..uh look planing on doing ....umm...a gift to you....for why I was not talking to you...I wanted it to be a surprise...yeah..¨said Brick nervous

¨.....You mean it?!, Oh Brick!, you are the best boyfriend ever!¨said Bell jumping at him and kissing him

¨Uhh...yeah...I think I am...umm Bell look...I need to you the gift to you...and I dont wanna ruin the surprise..¨said Brick

¨OH..right right!, you will send it to me on school....or will you call me when its ready?:¨said Bell happy

¨...Uh....both.¨said Brick smiling nervously

¨....Oh Brick....I dont know what to gift could be me staying all over here with you...¨said Bell getting close to him ¨and you know...we could do....stuff...we havent done...¨said Bell

¨Ummm actually...I heard....Blossom was gonna go with Dexter right now so...¨said Brick

¨ that case, I better go and bother her for what she did to Dexter. although it was all my plan.¨said Bell smiling and going out the door

¨...Yeah...great idea..¨said Brick

¨See you boyfriend!¨said Bell going off smiling sweetly

¨Phew....that was close..¨said Blossom

¨You made me look like a fucking sensitive guy!, Im never sensitive, that not how Brick acts!¨said Brick getting out of the bed from underneath

¨.....Well if you could at least tell me how do you even act I would know!, besides, your girlfriend kissed me!¨said Blossom

¨....That just proves my point..I told you to put my clothes and act like me...¨said Brick


¨...There was no other way to fool her!¨said Brick angry

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