The Deal

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Everything happened so fast, Blossom didnt even knew what was happening, she just wanted a damn coffe, and now this happened, seriously this was just to much, but hey a heroine duty is to always take charge of villians, just in this case she knew she needed her sisters to fight him, but they were having such an awesome time, it would be rude for her to interrupt them, she needed to deal with this, alone.

¨ You were supposed to be dead..., I mean we practically killed you..¨sad Blossom scared

¨ know that doesnt really happen to me...¨said HIM

¨How...are you even here?, Why didnt you attack us sooner?¨said Blossom

¨Well..I needed to watch you first...everyone of you....and it looks like I was right on my own thoughts..¨said HIM

¨....You could attack sooner...why are you doing these...why to me..¨said Blossom confused

¨Well you see.., ever since you were kids, I always thought about how to destroy all of you puffs, and nothing worked, even if I litte brats were so....difficult to defeat, but thats when I many danger can a human interaction have...if i couldnt defeated you..maybe one of your own creations would the rowdyruffboys.¨said HIM

¨....You were the one who sent them here?.¨said Blossom

¨I would be really pleased if I did that...but that stupid monkey took the opportunity and win my plan.¨said HIM

¨...I just dont know...what do you exactly need from me?¨said Blossom

¨Oh....huhuhu sorry!, I let myself take over my thoughts!, that is so easy!¨said HIM laughing

¨.....And just why in this moment..?¨said Blossom

¨ You see Blossom, I always hated each one of you Power Puff Girls, but... considering this is something fun for my eyes to see...,well who doesnt like a little bit of chaos and trouble?¨said HIM

¨....What are you even talking about..?¨said Blossom

¨You really think I dont see it?¨said HIM

¨...See what?¨said Blossom

¨Oh Blossom...I see everysingle thing that happens here..¨said HIM

¨Look, im losing my time, I really want to go this wasnt exactly the  type of situation I like, my boyfriend is upset at me, and Brick with that new girl Bell is just making my life more miserable each day and I cant stand it.¨said Blossom annoyed

¨Exactly for that is why I offer my help to you..¨said HIM

¨, you...yeah you.. to me..right, how could you possibly help me?¨said Blosom laughing

¨Oh Blossom...I know everything about the RowdyRuffBoys....besides in one point I kinda made them must remember that..¨said HIM

¨*sigh* My life is pretty messed up, so no thank you, I just need peace and calm in my life.¨said Blossom taking her things and going out

¨....I will let you go...but im just saying...I know the perfect way to make Brick for everything he has done to you..¨said HIM

¨I dont need anything from you, thank you.¨said Blossom leaving out

¨ will see..., but you can come back anytime you want!, besides I make a great know...IT BURNS.¨said HIM with a evil grin

¨...No thanks.¨said Blossom going off


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