The Play

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Honestly what did he mean with that ¨I wasnt joking when I said I was gonna kill you as a kid, and your stupids sisters destroyed us, well this time is our turn.¨ Blossom keep thinking to herself, getting lost in her thoughts, she really hated Brick ever since she was a little girl. There was no joke about that, but she decided to be concentrated in her plan, even if Brick knew, she was not giving up, if one thing was clear about Blossom was that she didnt surrender anytime, never. Thats when she remember about her sisters, the party was really great but it was getting late and she had to go, so she went searching for them in the party.
//Boomer and Bubbles//

¨Okay Bubbles, Blossom counts on you, you can do this, just spy a little...spying.., that isnt bad is it?, no its not, focus Bubbles, focus.¨ said Bubbles to her own thoughts she had.

And in that moment, something unexpected happened for Bubbles, she saw Boomer was playing with some birds, and giving them food, with a smile on his face. For a movement Bubbles couldnt believe it, was this the boy that punched her when they were 10 years old?, she even feel pity for Boomer in a way, but she was there to spy, she was doing well, her sister Blossom would be proud, Bubbles was nailing it, until Boomer saw her spying on him.

¨....Blue...hmmm you like Blue too?¨ said Boomer looking at Bubbles dress

...¨Hmm? what? me? Oh, umm yes I do¨said Bubbles hoping there wasnt many interaction between them cause of Blossom

¨...Cool!, hey you wanna give food to the birds also?, I saw they were hungry, so I feed them.¨ said Boomer with a smile

¨...You like animals?¨ said Bubbles with a confused look on her face

¨Yes! I think they are cute!¨said Boomer smiling at her

¨...Well I think giving food isnt bad at all.¨said Bubbles joining him
//Butch and Buttercup//

¨I cant find any alcohol in here, godammit, stupid Blossom and her plans, if it weren't because of the spying mission, I would be here having a blast.¨ said Buttercup in a angry  voice

In that moment Buttercup saw who she needed to spy, actually she needed to spy on the RowdyRuffBoys all of them, but instead there was Butch drinking from a cup, and he looked really really drunk, but Buttercup knew that wasnt gonna stop her, until she saw Butch had Vodka in his cup, and she needed alcohol, so this was her plan, get the vodka and spy at the same time, so she walked slow and closely to where the the cup of Butch was, cause he left it in some table, everything was going great, until she took the cup and hear a voice.

¨.....Umm thats my drink...babe.¨said Butch looking at her confused

Everything would be nonsense to Buttercup, when boys talked to her, but call her ¨babe ¨? that was something she couldnt handle, and of course that would get her very angry, she was there to spy, but clearly her emotions weren't in a good place in that moment.

¨....Did you just called me babe, asshole?¨said Buttercup angry

¨Or whatever suits you...dont care..give me my drink..¨said Butch teasing her


¨You're right....Im sorry I shouldnt have called you ¨Babe¨my mistake, I didnt look well, you are a man like me...sorry.¨said Butch teasing her more

¨Yeah thats what I thou...WHAT?!¨said Buttercup preparing to punch his face.


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