The Rough Nerd

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¨ for asking Blossom¨ said Brick staring at Blossom

¨Im glad!, you really had me worried, so I was thinking you know that maybe we could hang out for our next science project

¨Science Project?..¨ asked Brick confused he really didn't knew what was going on

¨....Uh yeah? you know our science project, we are working together since 2 weeks...are you sure you are okay?¨said Blossom confused

¨Yeah yeah im fine...I just forgot it because you know you are usually the smart one and pretty one around here so...¨Brick continued talking but he suddenly  remember that even though Blossom liked Dexter they were still classmates, that's when he thought to himself that maybe he messed it up

¨.....E-e-e-e-e-excuse me?, I mean you are the smart one that's why I...wait...did you just called me pretty?¨said Blossom blushing

¨Well done Brick, you nailed it perfectly now what its gonna happen, think of something come on, think, how can I distract her?¨said Brick to himself but when he was lost in thought, he saw something that creep him out but still gave him a relief.

¨Dumb as always pink, there is no way you are pretty, he was just saying it mostly cause of pity.¨said a familiar voice to Brick

As weird as it seemed, Brick stared at his own self version of the past, it seemed he didn't change much from looks, but still it was new for him to see him again, lets be honest its not like you can see your own self every time you talk or move, which in this case for Brick it was weird, he wanted to shut up that boy who called Blossom ugly, but then he remembered, it was him, sure he was disguised as Dexter, but how odd can it be to want to beat your ownself in a reality?, exactly very odd, which was exactly what Brick was feeling.

¨Ugh its you....dont you see im busy...?¨said Blossom in a annoyed voice

¨Busy with what exactly?, you could still fight me and you know I would win, besides if you don't fight me it means, you serve nothing to your name Pink.¨ said the guy with a annoyed voice

¨You seriously disgust me...I don't have time for this, I have an exam..come on Dexter, lets go¨said Blossom walking off

But Brick stood there watching intensely, he was frozen, he was thinking to himself ¨Was this the way he treated Blossom in the past? Why was he so rude all of a sudden? Jealousy maybe? Could be but honestly that wasnt really nice from him, so as he was disguised by Dexter he kept walking with Blossom making some questions.

¨So seem to kinda hate...Brick..¨said Brick disguised as Dexter to Blossom

Blossom looked at him confused, like if she was surprised from the comment of Dexter all of a sudden.

¨I mean im saying it cause you know Brick is you know a jerk and well yeah that.¨said Brick as Dexter

Blossom stared at him more confused.

¨....You know I hate Brick so much, I always tell you...¨said Blossom in a confused tone

¨No no no I know I just didnt understand what exactly happened between both of you to hate each other so much...¨said Brick as Dexter

¨ ...Well...I mean you know I was a superhero and he was a villain and the other stuff well..¨ Blossom continue talking but just as she was about to finish the mysterious guy with annoyed voice came again

¨Hey Pink, you know I hate being ignored, are those books more interesting than what I am saying?!¨said Brick letting down Blossom books 

¨Oh my god, why do you have to be so freaking...annoying Brick?!, its not my fault your life as a villain is so bad you have to treat others bad!¨said Blossom annoyed

¨....Oh...arent you some little bit-¨said Brick but right before he could finish Dexter (disguised as Brick stopped him)

(Dexter/Brick) took Brick hand and put him right into the locker, annoyed protecting Blossom ¨I wouldn't bother her if I were you...¨said Brick as Dexter

¨Oh guess who got some nerd balls, since when do you want to man up?¨said Brick  annoyed

¨I always had the balls you stupid asshole.¨said Brick as Dexter

Blossom stood shocked, she never saw Dexter act like this, normally she had the perception of Dexter as a shy guy, not like Brick who was a cold immature explosive guy.

¨....Dexter?..¨said Blossom confused

Jus in that moment everything felt like if it was going back in time, some kind of glitch was happening and of course Brick was scared, everything was moving on and on and all of a sudden Brick felt into a black hole screaming for his life, he just opened his eyes at the end of the black hole and he saw some familiar faces.

¨...What part of be someone in disguise and act as Dexter you didnt get exactly?¨ said the mysterious voices 

¨ I again in....godammit...I didnt do anything wrong! ¨said Brick annoyed

¨We still wonder what Blossom saw in you...honestly..¨said the voices

¨Well now what do I do?!, I mean don't send me again to that place, weird for me to say but I can't stand my own self in the past.¨said Brick annoyed

*sigh* .....¨Look there is another option....but you need to promise you are not going to fuck it up this time...for real¨said the future voices

¨...Okay okay...fine I promise, what is it?....¨said Brick curious and annoyed

¨....Well ever heard of being you with another you?¨said the voices

¨....What?...¨said Brick confused

*sigh* ¨This is gonna be a long day..¨said the voices

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