Working With The Enemy

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So there you have it, the three girls in their house after school, resting, and chilling or at least Buttercup and Bubbles were doing so. Cause Blossom well Blossom was really irritated in these moments.

¨Its just like life really hates me!, I love Romeo and Juliet!, this isnt fair!¨said Blossom complaining all over

¨Well....its only a know..., maybe if you dont think about will be better..¨said Bubbles trying to be positive

¨Oh sure..of course, let me just grab some tea and rest while reading a book, is that okay?.¨said Blossom with sarcasm in her voice

¨....Look Blossom I know you are mad, but just try not to think about...¨said Bubbles

¨*sigh* Im sorry Bubbles, its just that all these happening, its stressing me out..but you are right its a play...nothing bad can happen, nothing can ruin my play!¨said Blossom

¨Nothing but the kissing scene.¨said Buttercup laughing

¨Buttercup!, you are not helping at all!..¨said Bubbles getting angry

¨.......Im not kissing him, I said it.¨said Blossom

¨Just think of him as Dexter and thats it.¨said Buttercup not even looking at her playing video games


¨ Wait I think someone is calling...¨said Bubbles answering their phone from their home

¨Well answer it may be Boomer.¨said Buttercup still playing games

¨Buttercup...sometimes I dont even know how can you not hurt people with words..¨said Blossom

¨Umm Blossom...its for you...¨said Bubbles

¨Huh? for me?, OH IT MUST BE DEXTER!¨With that Blossom rushed to her room and answered the phone.

¨Hi! Oh Dexter....Im so glad you call...I was..¨but before Blossom could finish the sentence she heard Dexter wasnt the one calling her.

¨You are really into Dexter arent you...?¨said the voice laughing and mocking her

¨.....Who are you...and how do you know this number...only Dexter knows must have to know Dexter to know this number...¨said Blossom in a suspicious voice

¨You know I been wondering, in the original story, Romeo and Juliet die, but what if in this story Juliet actually dies for real and Romeo just fakes it..?¨ said the voice laughing.

¨ did you even get this number..?¨said Blossom automatically knowing it was him by what he said.

¨You know for a genius boy....he seems really stupid, when knowing new people...¨said Brick

¨DONT INSULT HIM AT ALL, YOU DONT KNOW HIM!¨said Blossom getting angry

¨And do you..? do you know him, or you just hang with him, because he is the only guy who actually stands you.?¨said Brick with a cold-hearted voice

¨....I swear to god, im gonna hang up the phone..¨said Blossom

¨I dont care if you do it, the thing is we are partners in the play, and I wanna rehearse it..¨said Brick

¨...I won't rehearse a thing with you..¨said Blossom with a furious voice

¨Fine by me, then fail the year.¨said Brick

¨.....Why are you doing these..seriously...what do you want brick?.¨said Blossom losing her nerves

¨Because I want to fuck your life, as easy as that, and if it is gonna involve me in a play or whatever I will do it Utonium.¨ said Brick

¨....Its a play...and its in 1 week how do you suppose we rehearse it..?¨said Blossom annoyed

¨Meet me at the TownVille Coffe Store and Shop, and we rehearse it there.¨said Brick

¨No thanks, I won't go anywhere with you.¨said Blossom even more annoyed

¨Hahahah okay then, do whatever you want, I will tell Dexter, you dont wanna be in his precious little play Juliet.¨said Brick laughing ¨I knew it...hahahaha..I always win, well good luck with your school year Juliet.¨

¨Give me 15 minutes and I will meet you there.¨said Blossom hanging up the phone


¨Blossom?, where are you going? its 7 ó clock,¨said Bubbles in her pijamas

¨....Umm Im going for...¨said Blossom thinking

Just by that Professor Utonium went to the kitchen, searching for some things.

¨Oh my, we run out of milk....I wonder when did it ended...hmmm...Buttercup..¨

¨What?, We need milk to be strong! dont blame me!¨said Buttercup

¨Yeah I get it need to share it to your sis....Blossom? where are you going..?¨said the Professor looking at Blossom going out

¨....MILK! WE NEED MILK! I WILL NOT TAKE LONG!¨said Blossom closing the door and rushing off

¨Oh Blossom always so responsible for her acts...., im glad she went for milk.¨said Profesor smiling


It was cold outside, and Blossom knew it, she never went out so late, she was always sleeping by 8 ó clock, this was insane, but if it involved seeing Brick just to save her school year she was willing to do it. Thats when she saw the coffee store and decided to enter in it. And there was Brick, he was talking with some other girl from school, and they were laughing, Blossom couldnt understand how Brick was able to lie so well, and be capable to adapt to different situations, and besides how can girls laugh with him?, didnt they know he was a villian, one of the Jojo's?

Blosom was lost in her thoughts, but then she got surprised by a text on her phone which said:

¨Hi Bloss!, hope you are feeling well! Its Dexter! I hope we can meet tomorrow, I have some stuff to tell you about the play!, im so excited!, thanks for accepting being Juliet, you will be wonderful in it!, anyway I have to go, see ya later Bloss!¨Blossom couldnt help but to smile at the text, Dexter was always so nice with her, she really cared for him, she would have desire to have Dexter as Romeo, it was her dream since 16 years old, but instead she was stuck with this dude. 

The ringing made Brick turn up to where Blossom was, and he went straight to her.

¨Let me guess, Dexter send you a text.¨said Brick

¨AHH! HOLY GOD!, You scared me!¨said Blossom annoyed

¨Good, that a first step to killing you.¨said Brick

¨....Im thinking if you wanted to kill me, you would have done it, and you still dont do it.¨said  Blossom in confussion

¨Do you think im stupid?, Killing you in here would be dumb, everyone would see you panic, And to kill you I need a place where its silent, and no one can hear your screams.¨said Brick with a serious voice

Blossom was sure, she never meet someone so scary as Brick, if he wanted something he would get it no matter what, thats the only thing she admired in him as a leader, he had that desire to do what he wanted, and always go for it without anyone telling him what to do, maybe if he wasnt that villian, he would be a great friend. What was Blossom thinking?, was she seriously thinking this about the guy who really wanted to kill her?, her head hurted and this was gonna be a long night and boy she knew it.

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