¿What Is Happening To Brick?

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Blossom was walking to mall of townsville, what happened with Brick in his house left her speechless, it was like everything around both of them dissappeared, they stared at each other, it just felt so magical, but Brick never behaved good around her, he was always an asshole to her, but he even told her the story of his own red hat, and for the first time she saw Brick as something she would never saw in her life, not a villian, he felt so sincere with her, maybe Brick wasnt a bad guy always, he was just misunderstood, but he told Boomer he would never date her, so maybe he was just being friendly, besides Blossom didnt knew how the love potion function and when did it started, but she decided to stop thinking about it, and to focus on what she needed to do now, talk with her boyfriend, Blossom was walking all over, when she saw Dexter sitting down in a bench all alone waiting for her.

¨...Dexter!, Im sorry I took log enough..¨said Blossom running towards him

¨...Not a problem...Blossom..¨said Dexter smiling

¨Look...im really sorry about what happened with Brick...I assure you it wasnt my fault..just he is...you know..¨said Blossom

¨....You know I always thought of Brick as my friend...¨said Dexter sad

¨.....Yeah...I know, but he is kinda complicated..¨said Blossom

¨...Exactly...I never saw it...but he is mean and cruel...¨said Dexter angry

¨Yeah...wait what?¨said Blossom

¨No wonder he did that to you....you dont even like him, and to treat a lady like that...shame on him¨said Dexter

¨....Um Dexter...well yeah..but I wanted to say sorry because of that...you know..you are my boyrfriend...and I really respect you...you know?¨said Blossom

¨No Blossom...it wasnt your fault...and besides...I think...I wanted to do this for so long..¨said Dexter

¨...Do what..?¨said Blossom

Not so far away you could see Brick with his brothers, they sometimes went to the mall, and this time Brick had to get a present for her girlfriend Bell, so he just had to do it very quickly, and thats what he was doing.

¨Bro, I cant believe it has been 1 month of you and Bell dating!¨said Boomer

¨...Yeah, But I dont know what to give to her..¨said Brick

¨Well...do you even know what Bell likes.?¨said Boomer

¨Of course I do she likes.....ummm..candy.¨said Brick

¨....Brick...thats what Blossom likes, you usually know what Bell likes....are you okay.?¨said Boomer

¨Yes Boomer, I just got confused...okay?¨said Brick

¨.....Its just you didnt even knew what Blossom liked......, and you always knew what Bell liked,¨said Boomer

¨Boomer...its normal..just tell me what Bell likes.¨said Brick annoyed

¨Well she likes all about jewelry, and some headbands for what I know..¨said Boomer thinking

¨.....Thats odd for a girl..¨said Brick

¨....You founded it amazing before...you sure you are okay..?¨said Boomer

¨....Yes...I am, just I have one question Boomer.¨said Brick

¨...What is it bro..?¨said Boomer

¨Didnt Dexter and Blossom broke up after what I did...?¨said Brick

¨You mean what you and Bell did..?, Well I think they fighted....but why.. are you asking me...that..Oh..¨said Boomer

Boomer turned around and saw Dexter kissing Blossom, with such a delicate way, it seemed so pure like when the time Blossom saw Bell and Brick kissing, it seemed so sweet, and Dexter had some flowers next to him, you could see Blossom was shocked, really shocked, she didnt expect that, she dreamed about that since she was 16 years old, and it was happening now, Boomer was surprised but happy for them, but on the other hand Brick, normally he would just laugh at them and bother Blossom but this time, it was different, he felt pain, something he never felt in all his whole life, it was really bad, why did he feel pain about a simple kiss?, besides its not like he hasnt shared one with Blossom in the play, but this was different, for once in his life, he was having thoughts of what could happened if Dexter wasnt there, but Brick was there, that he would be kissing Blossom, that would be better, but why on earth would he think that?, he had a girlfriend, but even when Bell talked with other guys he didnt really feel as hurt as this, this was new to him, what was he feeling, why on this situation?, he didnt understand anything, it was to much for him.

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