Its a Nerd Type Of Love

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The next day at school everyone was arriving talking with their own friends, also teachers talking to other teachers, it was a sunny day, even Bubbles and Buttercup were talking, but they had been going to school with Blossom all the time since they were kids, which not having Blossom with them made them feel weird, maybe it was time for them to talk to Blossom, they missed their sister. But then they saw something odd, Blossom was holding hands with Dexter, and she seemes so natural about it, Blossom, the Blossom they knew, knew Blossom would be blushing all over at this simple act, besides they thought Blossom wasnt into Dexter anymore by the fact she always looked at Brick rather than Dexter, they needed to to talk to her, the sooner as possible, but they knew they couldnt do it if Dexter was there so they asked Blossom when they saw her going to the bathroom.

¨Blossom...hey...¨said Bubbles curious at what Blossom was doing

¨Oh hi Bubbles!, what is happening..?¨said Blossom with curiosity

¨Perhaps we should be asking you been ignoring us all week, whats gotten into you? ¨said Buttercup

¨Excuse me?, you were the ones who ignored me out of the sudden, I should be asking why.¨said Blossom

¨We thought you liked Brick..¨said Bubbles

Blossom just heard that name and it was like al the memories from the other day came back, she was feeling happy, and she remember what happened, now she was mad again, she was applying lip-gloss and hearing the name made her aply the lip-gloss in a wrong way.

¨*sigh* No, I told you I dont.¨said Blossom annoyed

¨...We can see that now, but how out of the sudden you were holding hands with big-dork?¨said Buttercup

¨.....*sigh* He asked me out one day, and I have been avoiding the subject from him to many time, so we talked yesterday from my cellphone.¨said Blossom

¨Dexter has been your crush since you were 16 years old, and you make it sound so simple, what exactly is going on with you?¨said Buttercup

¨You two are really going out now?¨said Bubbles

¨...Yes Bubbles we are.¨said Blossom

¨But you never even told us anything, we are your sisters!¨said Bubbles

¨And yet where were you when I needed you the most?¨said Blossom annoyed

¨What the hell is going on with you?!¨said Buttercup

¨....Blossom what is going on..?¨said Bubbles

¨.....*sigh* If I tell you would you believe me?¨said Blossom

¨Yes...we will..¨said Bubbles

¨You cant say anything...¨said Blossom

¨Promise¨said Buttercup

¨And when I finish, I need you to pretend I didnt tell you a word about it.¨said Blossom

And that happened, Blossom told everything that was happening with Brick to their sisters, and she explained that she was willing to ignore Brick forever, for how he treats her, and decided that the first step to do it was to date Dexter, she loved Dexter so much, so if she was her girlfriend, it was the first step to ignore Brick Jojo, after talking in the bathroom they went to their classroom, Brick and his brothers always arrived late, and more if Bell was with Brick, they took long enough, but they appeared right in time to class.

Bell was the first to see Blossom head on Dexter shoulder, like any couple would do, she even did that sometimes with Brick, she was confused, since when did Blossom began dating Dexter?, this was odd, but Bell knew what to say to make Blossom humilliated.

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