Complicated Things

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¨Spying isnt...bad.. what do Bubbles and Buttercup know about it?, besides in the party they didnt even spy well, Blossom knew what she was doing, she was the leader, and she needed to end with Brick plans, and she wouldnt rest until she searched what was his plan, mostly with his new girl named ¨Bell¨.

¨ you like studying here..?!¨said Bell with curiosity at Brick

It was like Brick lost all his masculinity, cause Bell had something that make him be calm and not a show-off, just be a normal human being, actually nobody treated Brick like a human, it was crazy fangirls or in this case Blossom hating on him all over, he never actually had someone who was interested in hanging with him just because, and this one was Bell, which made Brick kinda confused but still a little bit shy.

¨...Oh sorry...Im not actually..nice with words..., I just want to..know this school system.¨said Bell ashamed by her sudden behavior

¨What?, No no, Im sorry, its just I was thinking of umm what do you want exactly to know about the school.?¨said Brick

¨Well father actually informed me about everything of this school.., but he never actually talked to me about their students..and how are they.., so I would like to know  how are they..¨said Bell with curiosity looking at Brick

¨You make it if you weren't human...¨said Brick concerned

¨...What? Oh no, yes I am a human....¨said Bell sad

¨....Umm look I may not know you at all, but...I think I can be your friend...if you want you can tell me everything about you if you want..¨said Brick

¨......If I tell you, would you promise won't tell anyone?¨said Bell getting very close to Brick

¨....I pro-pro-pro-mise..¨said Brick with a tiny little blush in his face

And from the corner you could see Blossom spying from  a bush, she couldnt understand why this girl was so interested in Brick, she could easily just ask Boomer, Butch or even Dexter to help her know the school, but of all people why Brick?, he wasnt exactly the perfect good example for a good kid, and Blossom knew it. She was really into the talk of Bell and Brick, everything was going well with Blossom spying, but then out of a sudden, she heard some weird sounds close to her, she couldnt figure out what exactly was, until she looked up, there was a honeycomb from above, if Blossom was scared of something, it was nothing other than honeycomb and bees, she started to be afraid, but that wasnt gonna stop her from spying, or at least until a bee flew all over the honeycomb to where Blossom was, she couldnt help it and scream all over, falling all over to the ground, where Brick and Bell were talking.

¨AHHHH NO NO STAY AWAY FROM ME! AH BEES! BEES!¨Said Blossom being scared and running all over, without noticing it bumping into Brick

Brick looked at her with a cold heart stare, like if he was going to kill her in that moment.

¨....Oh hello, you are the ginger-haired girl form the class!, the one who was with the genius boy right?, Im Bell, pleasure!¨said Bell smiling to Blossom

¨....Yes...I know..., Im Blossom...¨said Blossom annoyed at Bell

¨ two know each other?¨asked Bell in curiosity?

¨ can say that..¨said Blossom annoyed at Brick

¨No, I actually dont know her..she is just one of those crazy fans I have, no one special¨said Brick annoyed

¨Oh.....I see...she must be really desperate...¨said Bell sad

¨EXCUSE ME?! IM NOT DESESPERATE! I WOULD NEVER, BESIDES I LIKE DEX-¨said Blossom but she was interrupted

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