(15) Leap of Faith

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[ Eren ]

My feet swung in the air and over the ocean, leaning forward inch by inch. My brown hair fell in front of my face, the wind not giving me a chance to move it. I sat on the edge of a bridge, where no one could find me.

If I jump, no one would care. Then again, maybe they will, how should I know? I'm selfish. I sighed and closed my eyes, scooting forward closer to the edge. Hearing birds singing nearby soothed me some, but I could only think of awful memories.

I looked into the sky, watching the clouds reveal the bright morning sun. The sound of leaves scratching the concrete bridge, the body of water below me softly splashing against the land, I felt at peace. I could give up, with no worries to think about.

I scoot back, hoisting my legs up, standing myself on the edge. My mind was clear, but my heart and chest ached. I couldn't seem to budge a single one of my body parts, I wasn't strong enough. Mentally beating myself up, I clenched my fists.

Tears streamed down my face, I didn't mind, since no one was here to see. My head hung low, my body relaxing. Before I could move, my chest pounded.

"Eren!" I turned my head slightly, the voice calling my name was all too familiar. I panicked.

It was Levi, running, out of breath. He stopped a few feet from me, bending over and holding onto his knees for support. His back rose and fell heavily, his shirt soaked with sweat.

He stood straight, still trying to manage his breath. "Eren, please don't jump."

He held out his hand, worry in his eyes. The pain my chest was feeling I couldn't bare, why do you always come back, what if I hurt you again?

"It's for the best..." I mumbled, looking towards the ocean again.

"Eren." My head pounded each time he called my name, every good and bad memory was crammed inside my mind.

"Don't leave me yet, I need you." I bit my tongue, feeling my teeth slightly pierce it, the taste of metal made me cringe.

I ignored him, but the memories overwhelmed me. Even if I wasn't looking at him, I could picture his pale skin, his dark eyes, and his parted hair. I wanted to jump, but I had no control over my legs, they wouldn't budge.

"Dammit." I cursed, grabbing the sides of my head. Hearing small footsteps slowly walk behind me, my heart raced.

I felt a hand tug at the hem of my shirt, making me turn around. He stood there looking into my eyes, his eyes were troubled and scared, worry filling them. What have I done....

"I'm glad you're alive, Eren. Please, don't end that now." He reached up and slowly entwined his fingers with mine, his usually cold skin was now warm, sending shivers up my spine.

[ Levi ]

Please, I don't want him to leave yet...not yet...

"Eren, I know you might think you're a horrible person. And you are, but the horrible person you are today, I'm still in love with. I don't know why, but I hate and love it at the same time..." His blue eyes were coated with tears.

He sniffled, connecting his fingers with mine more. He hiccuped and closed his eyes. "I have one last favor, Levi." His voice was hoarse and shaky, but was still understandable.

"What is that...?" He sighed, removing his hands.

"Push me." Now clear, his eyes showed no more emotions.

What happened to the Eren I love...? Please, don't make me do it...

"I...I can't do that!" I grabbed his hands again, only him snatching them away for the second time. His face was straight, and the pooling tears in his eyes were gone.

What happened to you...?



"No, Eren!"

I don't want to...


Shut up...

"I said no already!"

I love you too much...


Don't leave...

Without warning, he slowly fell backwards. I desperately reached out to grab him, but it all happened to fast. He closed his eyes, his body splashing and slowly sinking into the water.

My head pounded, my body shook, my eyes darting back and forth. I did the only thing I could right now...



HEYY ~ 😆

I hope you like the drama so far !

Anyways, thank you everyone for all of the votes and comments, you guys really are the best . =^.^=

I love you all, never change.

Hopefully your Senpai,

GTK ❤️

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