(12) Nothing's Okay

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[ Levi ]


We ended up sleeping on the couch that night, and I was examining every little strand of brown hair on his head. He lightly groaned, his eyes slowly opening and looked up at me.

Out of nowhere, he sat up, then pushed me down, straddling his legs around my hips. I was surprised, having him pin down my wrists on either side of my head. He was breathing heavily, his eyelids hung lazily.

After struggling under his grasp, I finally escaped, breathing heavily and scooted back. "Oi, what the hell was that for?"

He didn't say a word, only sitting up and covering his face with his hands. "It isn't the same..." He whined.

I raised an eyebrow, scooting closer. "No! Don't get near me!" He shouted.

I was hurt by his words, and flinched at his tone of voice.

"Eren-" he gritted his teeth, grabbing the collar of my shirt, making us face to face.

His face was dark and tears welled up in his blue eyes. Up close, I could see how dark it was under his eyes, he's been stressed.

"You don't know...how it feels..." He growled. I started to get annoyed, what the hell is he talking about?

"What are you rambling about, brat?" He gripped on tighter to my shirt, banging our foreheads together.

I hissed in pain, feeling my blood boil. No matter how angry Eren got, I was always stronger. I flipped us over, making him let go of my shirt and fall to the ground. I scowled down at him, watching him stand back up, sending his fist into my face.

I was confused, pissed, and overall pretty fucking irritated. I wiped the blood dripping from the corner of my mouth, sending my foot into his side. He growled again, running towards me quickly after.

My feet shifted, letting my entire strength send through my fist, and fly into his stomach. He coughed blood on the carpet floor, gripping onto his stomach. He rolled over, pulling away his shirt and groaning in pain.

I crouched beside him grabbing a handful of hair and picked up his head. He hissed in pain and stared at me from the corner of his eyes.

"Now, tell me why you're being such a pain in the ass?" I growled, letting him pick himself up.

He sat up on his knees, wiping the blood from his mouth, and stared me straight in the eyes. He didn't answer, no, he only stared me down. I grew irritated, and grabbed the collar of his shirt.

I noticed a small hint of fear in his eyes, but it quickly masked itself and faded away. I sighed, letting go and rubbed my eyes.

"Eren, please. I don't want to keep doing this, tell me what's wrong." Eren looked down and his eyes softened. He opened his mouth slightly to speak, but the words wouldn't come out.

"I've done something terrible..." His voice was hoarse, and he looked up at me with teary eyes.

"Eren, what do you mean?" He waited, then started.

"I've...done it, with Armin...you can hate me, if you want...I'm so sorry. I couldn't stop myself, but the only one I truly love is-"

"Why do you keep doing this to me?" My voice cracked, feeling the lumps of held back tears in my throat.

It was painful, matter of fact, it was fucking terrible. I wanted to kill him, kill Armin, kill myself. I clenched my fists, fighting the urge to hit him.

"Levi-" I snatched him by his collar, pulling him into a kiss.

Tears streamed down my face as our lips moved together. His kiss was apologetic, and we finally separated.

"Didn't that...mean anything?" I asked, letting my hand fall to my side.

"Levi, it mean the world-"

"Then why were you fucking Armin?"

"Levi I'm so-"

"Shut the hell up. This is why it's hard to trust people, because shitty brats like you just like to build up my feelings, then push them down and stomp on them like nothing. You know what, Jeager? I'm done with your shit."

"Levi please."

"No, you're a heartless brat. And I'm not having you break me down again." He looked at me surprised.

"Then where will I sleep?"

"With Armin, since it seems you two are fuck buddies now." I growled, my fist twitching for action.

"Levi, it's okay-"

"It's okay?! You think you can go fucking other guys and think it's okay?! Jeager, nothing's okay!" He flinched and seemed hurt by me calling him by his last name, but now, I couldn't give a shit.

"Go, now. Before I start pummeling you to the ground like you did to my feelings." His eyes swelled with tears and hiccuped slightly.

"Oh, you're gonna cry now?! No one gives a shit about you Jeager, especially me! That's why your mom died in that car crash, that's why your dad left you, because they were sick and tired of you and your bullshit!"

I stood there, catching my breath. My anger was wasted on that one statement, and I didn't regret saying one single damn thing.

Fuck you, Eren Jeager.





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