(21) Maybe Forever

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[ 3rd pov ]

Eren smiled at Levi with loving eyes, falling to the floor beside him and snuggled to his side. Levi groaned with the heat slowly leaving from his pale cheeks, his grey eyes looking into the blue eyes he fell in love with. With a light hand, Eren's hand lifted into the air and found its way intertwined with the raven's locks.

"You're adorable." Eren muttered sweetly, kissing the tip of Levi's nose. Levi sighed and was too embarrassed to look into his eyes, so instead gazed down on the floor.

Still laying on his belly, Levi sat up, along with Eren doing the same. It stayed quiet between the two for a while, until Eren suddenly felt a pair of light arms wrap around his neck. Eren's head found its place in the crook of Levi's neck, smiling and be softly breathed in the scent of him.

"Levi..." Eren mumbled into the shorter's neck, making Levi pull away and tilt his head with the same cold eyes. His structured jaw line and thin hair was scary, yet made Eren so attracted to him.

"Oi, what is it?" Eren snapped from the daze, smiling and shook his head.

"Promise me one thing?" Levi was confused and unsure, but nodded anyways.

"What?" Eren sighed, which made Levi sort of worried of what the promise would turn out to be.

"Promise me, we'll be together...maybe, forever?" Levi sat quietly, then snickered, which made Eren's heart race and drop at the same time.

Levi showed a genuine smile, and leaned in to peck Eren's lips. He then pulled into another hug, Eren confused as a lost puppy. "Yeah, I'd like that. We'll always be together...maybe forever, even ." Eren giggled like a girl and wrapped his arms around Levi's waist, hugging tightly.

The two boys sat in each others arms with light chests, and cleared minds. There was no more drama to deal with, no more tears of sadness, no more hurtful memories to be created. The two planned to keep the horrible and bad memories, to remind them after all of that, they're now staying by each others sides no matter what.

[ Later On ]

[ Eren ]

"Levi, I'm hungry~" I whined while I nudged Levi's arm, both of us sitting on the couch and watching tv. He ignored me, zoned out to the screen. I pouted and filled my cheeks with air. I groaned as loud as possible, purposely to get on his nerves.

But again, eyes on the screen.

"Levi, I'm hungryyyyyuuuuuuhhhh~" he finally turned his head, pausing the TV. I instantly regretted my decision of getting on a midgets nerves, his deadly eyes staring into my soul.

"Make your own food." He un-paused the show, my blood boiling.

"You know I don't know how to cook! Now, do you want the house to burn down or not?!" He stayed quiet for a moment, then grunted and forced himself off the couch. I smirked and clapped my hands like a five year old would, and happily watched him.

The entire time he cooked, I sat and watched from the couch, my eyes targeted on his ass the entire time. I licked my lips, then shook my head.

He'd probably get pissed if I try something like that again. Considering it was his first time...so I stood from the couch and walked beside him, watching happily as he started making pancakes. Suddenly, my ears perked up and leaned closer towards Levi, hearing a low, humming sound.

I smirked deviously and stood straight, humming along with him. He seemed surprised, but didn't say anything about it. I smiled and leaned against him, the scent of the fresh pancakes only made me feel more at ease. I couldn't feel anymore happy than I am right now. Before I knew it, Levi nudged my shoulder and I looked down to see a stack of pancakes.

Maybe Forever (Levi x Eren)Where stories live. Discover now