(20) Embarassement

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[ Eren ]

I woke up, my arms wrapped around his waist, lifting my head to eye him up and down. I sighed, removing my arms and scooted up, pecking him on the forehead. I quietly hopped off the bed and walked to the dresser, getting out a shirt and a pair of boxers. I put them on and left to the kitchen.

"Let's see." I mumbled, pushing my cheeks together with my palms, scanning the entire fridge for something to eat. I reached for the milk, then walked over to the pantry, searching for cereal.

I finally found some Lucky Charms, smiling and humming as I went to go get a bowl and spoon. After making the cereal, I walked over and plopped down on the couch, grabbing the remote and turned on the TV.

[ Levi ]

I sat there, my back aching and my head pounding. Why the hell did he have to be so rough?! I stood up, limping over to my dresser, slipping on a tee and underwear, rubbing my lower back as I struggled down the hallway.

I heard the TV was on, so I tried hurrying to the living room, finding Eren happily eating away at a bowl of cereal. I scowled and clenched my fists, he isn't allowed to be as happy as a fucking daisy!

I limped/stomped over to him, glaring. He looked up at me, as if he were oblivious to what was going on.

"You damn brat, why'd you have to be so rough on me?! I'll kill you, I swear I will!" What pissed me off more, was Eren softly giggling and placed his bowl away.

He patted the spot next to him, a smile on his face. I couldn't resist, so I crossed my arms and pretended to be mad, looking away from him. I couldn't cross my legs, since they were sore as hell, and my thoughts were going haywire.

"Levi." I turned my head, seeing Eren with his head tilted and a smile on his face, strands of hair sliding over and covering his blue eyes. I felt my cheeks heat up, looking away again.

I felt the weight shift on the couch, a pair of soft lips planting a kiss on the back of my neck. I let my head drop into my arms, hiding my flushed face and feeling the nape of my neck burn everywhere he kissed. I groaned and resisted, letting him snuggle into my side.

"Hey, Levi?" He turned and laid on his back, his head in my lap and his arms stretched out to touch my face. Our eyes met, his eyes were soft, like everything that happened never really did. I grabbed his cheeks, pushing them together and made him look like a fish.

"What is it?" I asked, still squeezing his cheeks over and over again. He grabbed my hands and kept them still rubbing his thumbs in a circular pattern. He smiled softly and kissed right, then left hand.

"I love you." I felt my cheeks heat up.

"And you're cute when you blush." I looked away.

"Shut up." I muttered.

"And how you get so mad when girls try to flirt with me." My heart was going crazy and I felt hot all over, feeling my hands getting clammy with embarrassment.

"I said shut up." I warned, still trying to hide my face. This damn brat, who does he think he is?

"Make me." I looked back at him, a smirk on his face and a devilish look in his eyes. I knew where this was heading.

I leaned forward, pressing my lips harshly onto his, hearing him whimper while I bit and licked his lower lip, taking it in between my teeth and lightly suck on it. He sat up for better access, and held onto my shoulder while my hands laid comfortably on his waist.

We pulled away for air, opening our eyes and breathing heavily. I tried moving, until a sharp pain in my lower back stopped me, making me cringe and hiss in pain. Eren understood, and sat beside me, leaning his head on my shoulder.

"Did you like it?" He asked, making me confused.

"Like what?"

"Last night." I blushed and felt my face heat up all over again.

"You were too rough, my ass hurts because of you." I mumbled.

"But didn't you hear how loud you were moaning? I bet the neighbors even heard you. And I bet you like it rough, you were screaming harder, faster, more..."

I pushed him away and hid my face, I couldn't stand the truth. Why's he trying to embarrass me so much? I then felt his lips by my neck, softly whispering.

"You know, Levi, I never knew you could make such a sexy face. But now, I know that your nipples are extremely sensitive, and your weak spots are so easy to find..."

My eyes widened, standing quickly, only to be reminded of last night by the sharp pain and fell to my knees. Eren stood up as well, walking over in front of me, and held my chin up. He smirked, standing again and walked behind me, I was unable to move.

I then felt a chest lean against my back, his crotch pressed against my ass. I covered my mouth and my face was flushed, my heart going berserk while my mind went blank. He chuckled softly and kissed the back of my neck.

"Now, this position seems a little too familiar, doesn't it, Levi?" I shook my head.

"No? Well, should I remind you so you can remember how many times you screamed my name?" I shook my head again.

He slid his hands under my shirt, feeling the tips of his fingers roam my back freely. With his lips pressed softly against my neck, he whispered softly,

"I love you."

My arms grew weak and gave way, my chest falling hard and my face completely red. I've never been so embarrassed in my life, seriously, I can't stand him. He's broken down every damn wall I've built...but...

"I love you, too."


Sorry if it's short, I've been staying up till 3-6 am trying to figure this story out and try to keep you entertained . 😭

And it's been 10 months since I've started the first book 'Complicated Romance' . (≧∇≦)And it already has 51.7k reads . ε-('∀`; )

I just want you'll to know how much I love you guys, and how happy I am . I love how you'll nosebleed and fangirl over almost everything, and how you support and encourage me to keep going . (^∇^)

I've written a new story, called "A Loser Like Me", about a loner who makes a friend, and he "accidentally" falls in love with her. ( might be deleted but idk (⌒-⌒; ) )

Anyways, thank you for always being here for me . ♪( '▽`)


GTK 🔪💕

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