(1) New beginning

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[Armins Pov]

"Yeah...no, I get it." I sighed as I pressed the phone against my ear, my right shoulder resting on the wall.

I messed with the blonde strands of hair falling in front of my face, listening to Mikasa go on and on about how she doesn't approve of Levi and Eren. I honestly don't myself either, but if that's what his heart decides, I have no right to butt into their relationship.

"You know what I mean, Armin. Right?" I stood up and walked over to the receiver.

"Yeah, yeah. Gotta go bye." I hung up quickly, rolling my eyes and fixed my hair.

I walked over to my couch and found a shirt. I picked up the grey piece of cloth, then pressed it to my face.

"Eren..." I whispered, burying my face deeper into the sweater. Depression waved over me and I softly set it down on the couch again.

I then went and sat beside it, laying my hand gently on top of it.

[Levis Pov]

"Levi, please~?" I groaned as I turned around for the fifth time, seeing Eren with his puppy dog eyes and wagging his butt back and forth.

"For the last time, Eren. We're not going to the park." He pouted and rested his head on my shoulder as we watched Tv.

I slowly rested my head on top of his, feeling nervous and somewhat calm. It was annoying what kind of affect this brat had on me. I grew frustrated and grabbed his face, squishing his cheeks together.

He immediately blushed and sat there. "What's wrong Levi?" His words were muffled but were still understandable.

I quickly pulled his face towards mine, giving him a rough, quick kiss. I let go of his face and crossed my arms, along with my legs. He sat there blushing like an idiot and tilted his head in confusion.

"We'll go to the park later." His face brightened and it seemed as if he had puppy ears, they would be perking up.

He leaned forward and softly pecked me on the cheeks, making me kind of blush. He then jumped up and ran to his room, hearing him thrash around his room as he got dressed.

[Erens Pov]

I smiled as I threw out almost every shirt in my dresser. I grunted as I fell to my knees and looked at the shirts scattered all over the place. I then picked up a shirt that caught my eye.

"This isn't my shirt." I mumbled, picking it up and holding it in the air in front of me.

It turned out to me a hoodie. The weird thing was, it was an animal hoodie. It was brown and had dog ears on the top, with a small tail sticking out at the back. I grinned as I ripped off the shirt I had on, and quickly put on the hoodie.

I grabbed some black skinny jeans and a pair of sperrys, quickly putting them on and ran down stairs. I threw the hood on top of my head, making the ears stick up. Levi turned around and his cheeks flushed.

"Oi, what the hell are you wearing?" I smirked as I sat beside him and brought my face close to his.

I brought my face to his neck, sticking out my tongue and trailed it up from his collar bone to his jaw. He shivered and tensed up, having a some what pissed off look. I then brought my lips to his ear and whispered. "Woof."

He quickly pushed me away, fully blushing and looked frustrated. "What the hell?! What are you trying to do?!"

"Oh nothing~ let's go to the park already!~"

Finally I had the chance to make the book.

Sorry if the chapter was short, I was in a bit of a rush. But as always, I'll make sure to update regularly.

Love you guys! ❤️


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