Bonus Chapter: In the end

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[ Eren ]

{ Months Later }

It's been months since Levi's let me take over him again, but I'm still happy no matter what. I watched him from the dining room table, while his eyes were glued to the TV screen like always. He likes to watch documentaries on just about anything but the human body. I stood silently, making my way down to the living room, and slithered my arms around his neck.

He didn't mind, he only continued to watch Tv. With my head resting on his shoulder, I nuzzled my face deeper into his neck, then looked up, softly kissing his cheek. I pulled away, his head turning and watched me sit beside him. We had some space between us, until out of nowhere he threw himself onto my lap. I was shocked, but smiled, and ran my fingers through his hair.

"Oi, I've been thinking about something...a lot, actually." I leaned forward to look at him, but he hid his face all too well.

"Yeah, what is it?" He sat up, got off of the couch, and stood in front of me. My eyes widened, his face flushed and his eyes distant.

"Will...will you marry me, Eren?" My heart skipped a beat, my stomach tightening. I smiled brightly and couldn't help it, I snatched his hands into mine, looking at him with teary eyes.

"Yes, a billion time yes! I can't wait to see you in a dress!" Levi's smile faded, glaring.

"There's no way in hell in wearing a dress. That's gonna be you."

[ Levi ]

Eren pouted, and tilted his head.

"No, you're wearing the dress."

"But that's embarrassing!"

"Too bad, you're wearing it."

"Oh, I know! How about we both wear dresses!"


I crossed my arms, and shoved my nose into the air.

{ Wedding }
[ 3rd Person ]

Not many people went to the wedding, since everyone then were against gay marriage. But it didn't bother the two boys one bit. They're undying love for each other could conquer anything that stands in their way of getting to one another. A few people went, though. Some very close friends. And some, very surprising guests.

Mikasa didn't approve, neither did Petra. Both of the girls planned to crash the wedding, until a good friend, Armin, stood in their way. Armin was no longer heartbroken, now that he found a soulmate of his own. It was a shock to everyone, but now Connie, and Armin, we're officially boyfriends. Another Surprising couple came to watch, and that was their teacher Jean, and his husband Marco, along with their five year old son.

Since Levi and Eren couldn't have an official wedding, they still bought the dress, the suit, and everything to make the place look nice. They stood in the woods where enough light could shine through the branches and leaves, a crappy, homemade arch made by Connie behind them, and beautiful flowers picked out by Jean and Marco's son. Eren hid behind a few trees, though he was hidden well. Levi stood at the front, waiting patiently. And since they had no music, everyone began to hum.

Eren smiled behind the trees, and heard his cue, his heart racing as he emerged from the trees. Meeting eyes with Levi, he blushed and couldn't look away. And as for Levi, he couldn't help but smile and admire the man he was about to marry. And what Eren didn't know, was that Levi bought legit rings. Once Eren made it, Jean stood from his seat, giving Marco a quick kiss before running up to the alter. He then fixed his suit, standing straight.

"Eren Jeager. Do you take Levi, for your lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do you part." The younger boy froze and gulped, a messy smile along with blush creeping to his cheeks.

"I do." He said softly. A smile widening on Levi's pale face.

"Levi Ackerman. Do you take Eren, for your lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do you part."

With a small smile, Levi nodded. "I do."

With a warm smile, Jean nodded and closed his eyes softly. "You may now, kiss."

The two boys softly pressed onto each other's lips, this kiss like no other they've had before. It felt long, sweet, loving, and passionate. Their love for each other pouring out in this single kiss. And they couldn't be happier. But before the could step off of the Alter, Levi grabbed Eren's hand, digging into his suit pocket and pulled out a silver ring. Eren's blue eyes automatically teared up, as he watched his now husband placing the ring onto his finger.

Levi got the other ring out, giving it to Eren, and let him slip it onto his finger. Of course, they were matching, but the two didn't mind, it only made them feel closer together. And at last, later on in the day, the wedding was coming to an end. Everyone full with cake and food, now cleaning up everything.

[ Two years later ]

( okay, so this is awkward. But just pretend Eren somehow magically gave birth and shat out a baby, alright? Alrighty, onto the story. )

Eren chased after their naked two year old son, running out of breath. Levi walked in and shock covered his face. He picked up the boy with ease, handing him to Eren, and let him put on a diaper. Eren exhausted, their son energetic and bouncing everywhere, and Levi confused, they all sat on the couch. They've decided to name their son, by combining their names together, and ended up with Ereri. ( shh )

And so, that's what the name came to be. The three went on to live a happy life together, excited for more days to come. Eren snuggled closer to Levi, and chuckled.

"You know, now that we have the baby, we can't do it anymore, right?" Levi groaned at the painful reminder, giving Ereri a quick glare, but the baby boy only giggled. The boy had soft brown hair and blue eyes like Eren, but was strong and smart like Levi.

Eyeing Ereri, Levi came to a smile, and kissed Eren, and Ereri on their cheeks. "I love the both of you."

Eren giggled, along with the baby. Eren then leaned in and gave Levi a small peck on the lips.

"I love you, too."


Hey guys, since I'm bored and have nothing to do, I decided to make a bonus chapter, about more of their happy ending. ( ̄▽ ̄)

I hope you guys like it, I think it's adorable. ❤️

Anyways, I'm trying my best to work on a fanfiction right now. ( Jeff The Killer )

And I'm also trying to create my own creepypasta, so try and look forward to those two . 😭💖

Anyways, I love you guys, and stay awesome, bye !

-GTK 💕

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