(6) Awkward

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[ Eren ]

I was pretty excited to go to gym class today. I ran towards the doors, seeing this list of names. I smiled once I saw my name, and right below it, was Levi's.

I walked happily into the locker room, seeing Levi already in the usual gym uniform. I changed also, running towards Levi to catch up. But that was interrupted by a huge clash.

Someone had ran into me, hard. We were both on the ground, I'm assuming. I opened and eye to see who it was. It was no one I knew, but I apologized anyways.

"Sorry." I said, standing up and offered a helping hand. He gladly took it, nodding.

"Same here." We exchanged smiles, until I felt someone yank me back. I looked behind me, seeing Levin with his eyes glaring at the guy.

"Oi, watch where your going." The guy gulped, nodding then continued with his run. I glared at Levi from the corner of my eye, making him let me go.

"Are you okay?" He asked, looking down at my scraped elbows. I nodded, trying to run away the pain.

He sighed. "Here." He grabbed my arms, bent them, and brought his lips to each elbow. He lightly pecked both of them, then pulled away with a small smirk. "Better?"

My face turned beet red, looking down in frustration. My heart was going crazy, my feet were glued to the floor. How does he have this kind of control over me? He chuckled, making my head snap up at the sound.

His cheeks held a slight blush, the corners of his mouth were making a real smile. I blushed at the sight, knowing I probably won't have this opportunity again. I leaned forward, pecking him on the lips.

He jumped, his face returning to its dark self. He was blushing hard, but you could barely tell. "O-Oi. What the hell was that for?"

I smirked, walking slowly away swaying my hips. Yes, Eren Jaeger can be sassy, too.

[ Levi ]

Damn that brat.

His hips swayed back and forth, my head slowly following each step he took. I held my fingers up to my nose, seeing them lightly coated with blood. One of my team mates ran up to me, asking if I was okay. I told him I was fine, to just go get me some paper towels.

Once he ran off, Eren was gone. I sighed and shook my head, running my fingers through my hair. I felt a light tap on my shoulder, making me slowly turn around. Petra.

She was blushing, holding something behind her back. I sighed, knowing where this was going. She held out a small box of chocolates, looking away nervously.

"F-For you...Heichou." Out of nowhere, I felt someone's breath on the back of my neck, making me shiver. Then they gripped onto my arm, standing beside me. Eren.

"Levi is mine! My Senpai!" He screamed. I shook my head in disappointment. I then felt something wet on my cheek. I looked from the corner of my eye, seeing Eren licking my face.

I tried pushing him away, but he had a strong grip. "Oi, brat! That's disgusting!"

I looked at Petra, horror In her eyes. She stared at Eren as if he were the scariest thing on earth. She eventually ran away, freaked out. I finally pushed Eren away, wiping away the saliva from my cheek.

I glared at him, but he only cheekily smiled. I smirked, lunging towards him. "Let's see how you like it."

I started licking his cheek, making him squirm and reach out for help. I grinned in dominance, knowing I was winning. A sudden cough made us both stop. We immediately stood up, Eren wiping his cheek. The coach crossed his arms, glaring at me awkwardly.



How you like? I tried making it funny and cute. 😂❤️

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