(3) Stain

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[Erens Pov]

I ended up having to lead Levi home that night. It was pretty adorable because he got really sleepy and let me give him a piggy back ride.

Once we got home, I laid him on his bed, tucking him in and making sure he's comfortable. Once I was done and turned around to leave, I fell back by a sharp pull. I turned around, seeing Levi hanging on to the end of my sleeve.

His eyelids were slightly open, and his face was as dark as usual. "What's up?" I said, sitting down on the edge of the bed. He wouldn't let go of my sleeve, and tugged at it again.

I was confused, but soon got the idea. I kicked off my shoes, pulled off my shirt, and laid down next to him. He sighed and wrapped his arms around me, snuggling his small body into mine.

I softly giggled once I heard the sound of his soft snores, running my fingers through his black hair. "Oi..." He mumbled. I turned my head, seeing his eyes were still closed.

I hummed quietly, continuing to pet him. "I'm...not a dog..." He yawned, burying his face deeper into my side. I chuckled and held him close, reaching over and lightly kissed his forehead. His cheeks turned a light pink, making me smile and stare up at the ceiling.

Soon after, I fell asleep.

{Next Morning}
[Levis Pov]

I woke up to the smell of something being burnt. I sat up, noticing Eren wasn't next to me. "Shit..." I cursed, jumping off the bed and running to the kitchen. I found Eren staring blankly at two burnt eggs and bacon, his eyes watering.

His head shot up and looked at me, then hid his face with his hands. "Sorry." He apologized. I looked over at the stove, walking to it and turned it off.

I then walked behind Eren and wrapped my arms around his neck. He picked up his head, sniffling and grabbed my arm.

"Oi, this mess isn't going to clean itself." I chuckled, same old Levi. He put on his usual cleaning gear, as always.

He handed me a few things and then started getting into the spirit of cleaning. I tried sneaking away, but he somehow has these 'super cleaning senses' and knows when someone's ditching the 'lovely moment'.

I whined as I carelessly swung around a sponge across the counter, having soap splashing everywhere. After having a little too much fun with the soap, the sponge slipped from my hands and fell somewhere I wish it hadn't.

It hit Levi's shirt, leaving a faint wet, red stain right in the middle. He looked down at it with a dark scowl, then looked up at me. It felt as if the only thing letting my heart beat was fear.

I started running around the house. Trust me, having a midget sized clean freak chasing after you and going for the kill is pretty damn terrifying. I jumped over the couch, running down the hallway into our room.

I quickly slid under the bed, hearing Levi burst into the room shortly after I did so. I held my breath, watching his small feet walk around the room. He stopped beside the bed and sighed.


He got on his knees, bending over and looked under the bed. I gasped as I saw his dark, slim eyes staring into mine. I froze in place, watching his skinny arms reach for me and pull me out from the bed.

He brought me to my feet, stepping closer and pulling me down by the shirt. Now face-to-face. He then leaned in by my ear, whispering huskily. "What a bad boy...Eren. What are you gonna do about this mess?"

I felt shivers travel all over my body, suddenly feeling my cheeks go red. He stepped away, slowly removing his shirt and throwing it to the ground.



I'm Sooo sorry if this took forever to update. 😖

I've let you down. 🙏

Maybe. MAYBE. I'll do a Christmas special chapter. Make it extra dirty. 😏😂

Love you guys, please don't hate me. 😭❤️

Your lovely perverted killer


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