(18) Perfect

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[ Eren ]

That night I took Levi home, God, it feels so nice to call that place home again. We were in the car, Levi fell asleep, his head tilted to the side and soft snores came from his nose. I smiled as I took short glances at him, then kept my eyes on the road.

It was dark, the only lights were the streetlights and the headlights from cars in front of us. The stars flickered and the moon was full, today couldn't be anymore perfect. My chest felt heavy, but not in a bad way...

More like...I felt genuinely happy again.

My heart fluttered at the thought of him snuggling to my side at night, him always getting mad at me for making a mess, and cooking me delicious breakfast every morning. Who knew a clean freak, evil midget could make me so happy.

Random music was playing softly on the radio, and I could tell we were already nearby the house. So I tried hurrying, without crossing the speed limit, of course. Going over it six miles doesn't count, right?

"Oi..." I turned my head, seeing Levi rubbing the sleep from his eyes. But of course it didn't help, his eyes are always adorably scary.

He looked around the car, out the window, then back at me. I smiled and chuckled. "You know I saw what you said to the nurse back there, right?"

His dark eyes were soft, a smirk lightly forming on his lips. "Yeah, what of it? She tried flirting with me, with me! Who does she think she is?" He had a sassy tone of voice, making me giggle.

I shook my head, then felt him tap my arm. I hummed and looked back at him, parking in the driveway of the house. "What is it?"

He unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned forward, pecking my nose then hugged my arm and snuggled it. I blushed and raked my fingers through his raven hair, smiling.

"I'm really happy, you know." I leaned over and kissed the top of his head, hearing him groan with embarrassment and frustration. I ruffled his hair, making him shoot up and quickly fix it.

A light pink rose to his cheeks, looking away pretending to be mad. I grabbed his hand, bringing it to my lips and pecked it.

"I love you." I said with a smile. His face softened and smiled back, grabbing my wrist and pulled me towards him.

He kissed me slowly, shortly, and passionately. I sighed into the kiss, missing the way his lips felt connected with mine. It all felt so right, like this is how it should be, this is where I belong.

He pulled away, and smiled once more. "I love you, too."

With that, we both got out of the car and walked into the house side by side. We slipped off our shoes, Levi removing his shirt. I blushed, watching his back as he walked up the stairs in front of me. I followed behind, my eyes focused on him.

We arrived into his room, I fumbled with my hands nervously. He sat on the edge of the bed and unbuckled his jeans, slipping them off and slid under the covers. I did the same, leaving my shirt on and crawled under the blanket with him. I sighed, feeling my body sink into its familiar place in the bed.

Levi rolled over, now facing me. His eyes were softly shut and he was snoring again, is he asleep? I propped my head up, stroking his face with my thumb, leaning over and kissed his forehead. He mumbled something, then struggled more, his arms reaching out.

I watched him snuggle into my chest like he always did, inhaling the smell of my shirt. I wrapped my arms around him, finding his scent more relaxing than anything in the world. So, not that long after, I fell asleep.

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