(11) Can't

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[ Levi's Pov ]

I watched as Eren tossed and turned, mumbling and knitting his eyebrows together, as if he were struggling. I tried several times to wake him up, but he only turned in the other direction and whimpered more.

So I decided until the nightmare he was having ended, then I would asked what was wrong. I looked over at the clock.


"Shit..." I mumbled, sighing and cuddling next to Eren. He suddenly gripped onto me and pulled me close to him, kissing me on the head in his sleep.

I blushed and frowned, hearing him slightly whimpering. I held on closer to him and closed my eyes tightly.

[ Eren ]

I woke up about three hours later, Levi at my side. I let my head fall back as I petted his soft hair, staring at nothing. I wanted to fall back asleep, but I was already wide awake. So I sat there with Levi, and waited for him to wake up.

My time was mostly spent on spacing out, but the thought of me and Armin wouldn't get out of my head. The sight of his face when we did it...it was just...so erotic, my body's needs took over.

I sighed again and closed my eyes, soon getting lost in a sea of my own thoughts, the waves crashing against my skull looking for the answers they needed. My lower lip trembled and I took in short silent breaths.

"I can't do this anymore...I can't..." I thought, clenching my teeth and shutting my eyes more. I wanted the world to disappear for just a few moments.

I wanted for time to freeze so I could beat myself up for doing the shitty things I've done. This world is better off without me. Maybe I should just end this....

My phone rang and my heart dropped at the caller ID. I put the phone to my ear and heard a soft voice.

"Eren?" I stayed quiet for a few moments, then took in a small breath.

"What is it?" I tried sounding normal, but not too loud since I didn't want to wake Levi.

"I was wondering if we could do it again tomorrow." My eyes widened and I gripped the phone tighter.

My chest tightened as I felt Levi cling onto me more. My thoughts were everywhere now. Why do you have to ruin me...? Just say no...

"Sure." God dammit I'm useless.

His tone of voice lightened and he sighed. "Thanks, love you!"

He hung up shortly after that. I grabbed my phone and snapped it in half, making two small cuts on my hands and threw the phone behind me. Levi grunted softly and his eyes slowly fluttered open.

He noticed the blood dripping from my hands, and immediately had woken up completely. He sat up and grabbed my wrists, looking at my hands then at me.

"Oi, what happened?" I stayed silent as he went to go get bandaids and placed them on the cuts.

Levi was focused and silent, while my shapeless thoughts continued to rattle inside my skull. Once he was done, I looked down at him, setting my head on top of his. His body stiffened but he soon relaxed and placed his hand through my hair.

"Eren, what's wrong?" I slightly closed my eyes, my chest tightening and my eyes burning with tears.

I couldn't stop the humiliating hiccuping I always do when I cry, and Levi knew that. He reacted slowly, not wanting to surprise me.

"Eren, tell me what's wrong." I sniffled and took in the scent from his raven black hair. It was sweet, fresh...memorable.

"I'm a monster..." I whimpered. Levi sat up straight, trying to look me in the eye.

[ Levi ]

I was surprised at what he said, and tried looking him in the eye, but he only looked down at his lap. What happened to the cheerful Eren I know and love?

"Eren-" I was cut off by Eren ramming himself into my chest, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist.

He hiccuped and sniffled, softly whining as he left tear stains on my shirt. I would occasionally kiss the top of his head, making him calm down a bit, but the crying would start again.

I hate seeing Eren like this, too many bad memories come to mind. So I held him as long as I needed to, until he was okay.

"I'm not letting go of you, don't worry..." I whispered.


Omg sorry for the long wait. 😭

米なさい。[Sorry] 💔

And guys, I'm planning to make a Tokyo Ghoul fanfic, but I'm running out of ideas how to start off, any help? 💖

Anyways, thank you guys for patiently waiting. I know I'm being a bad author rn but please bear with me. 🐻❤️🙏

I love you guys~💞


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