(7) Coincidence

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[ Eren ]

Coach ended up letting us off with a warning, telling us to not lick each other's faces again. I have to admit, for that moment, I enjoyed it. It was the first time I've seen Levi look down in defeat, a light blush flowing to his cheeks.

So, now we're at baseball practice.

It took a while for everything to get started. Because Connie had hidden the bases and wouldn't tell anyone where they were at. So, Levi confronted him and gave him a good beating.

So, now there's only two people in front of me. The first did good, but on the last swing, he missed. The second one failed, miserably.

"Next, Eren Jaeger!" That was my cue. The palms of my hands began to sweat, I fixed the baseball cap on my head.

I stood at bat, getting into the right position and glared at the pitcher. His face showed some fear, but he nodded, twisting his arm in the same circular motion. The ball flew towards me, I swung, it hit.

Again, I accidentally broke both the ball and bat. And again, people cheered. I thought to myself, why does this feel so familiar? I turned around, seeing levi with a smile on his face and smiling, mouthing, "good job."

I blushed and smiled to myself, only caring about Levi's praise. I grabbed the bat and ball, taking them with me over to Levi.

"Maybe calm down a bit on the swing, ne?" He said, placing his hand on my shoulder.

I chuckled and nodded. Levi then went on his tiptoes, pulling me down some. His placed his lips dangerously close to my ear, whispering, "I just wanna rip that uniform off and take you right here, right now."

I blushed and shivered, seeing Levi smirk as he pulled away. He wrapped his arm around me, sticking his hand into the back pocket of my jeans. From time to time, he would give my bum a gentle squeeze when no one was looking.

After that had ended, everyone went to the locker room. It took a while for me to get dressed, since everyone decided to hide pieces of my school uniform around the locker room. So I was stuck wondering around the sweaty room looking for the missing clothes.

I felt embarrassed, being only in my boxers. I heard a light tap on one of the lockers, making me turn around instantly, my heart racing. I calmed down, seeing it was only Levi. He looked me up and down, slowly walking towards me.

Once we were chest-to-face, he softly pushed me down onto the benches. He straddled his legs around my hips, his hands gripping onto my shoulders for support. I snaked my hands around his sides, tucking my hands under his bum. ( DAT BUM DO jk sorry)

We pulled each other in for a sweet, long, passionate kiss. His tongue swiped against my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I playfully denied, making him groan in frustration. He swiveled his hips against me, making my lips slightly part to let out the softest moan.

He took the opportunity to slide his tongue in, dancing and fighting for dominance. Of course, he won. I realized something, slightly pulling away for air.

"L-Levi...what if someone hears..." I whispered, both of us heavily breathing.

"It's already the end of the day. Everyone's home now, no one will hear." He whispered, latching his lips to my neck.

Seductively humming and gently biting on the sensitive skin, making a dark red mark. I covered my moans with the back of my hand, slightly biting my knuckle.

Our heated moment was interrupted by the sound of a bag dropping. My head snapped to see who had caught us, my heart dropped. Armin.

Levi stood up, making me slightly whimper, but then blush and cover my mouth in embarrassment. I watched as Levi walked over to Armin, grabbing him by the collar.

[ Armin ]

I was yanked and set beside Eren, my face probably red from embarrassment. My stomach tightened, and my hands were clenched. I wasn't angry, or jealous. I was nervous to see Eren in the state he is now.

I took a peek at the throbbing member in Eren's boxers, making my face heat up and quickly look away. I heard Levi sigh, raking his fingers through his hair.

"Armin," Levi said, making my head snap up. "I can't believe I'm doing this..." He mumbled.

I was confused, feeling the heat leave from my cheeks. "How about, you join me and the brat?"

My face immediately felt as if it were burning. Me and Eren looked at each other, both of our faces flushed and surprised. Levi undressed down to his boxers, telling me to do the same.

Eren looked down in defeat, accepting the strange turn of events. I felt insecure, fumbling around with my shirt. My heart stopped when Eren's hands were placed on mine, helping me undress.

All three of us were in boxers, me being the only one having a flushed red face. Eren leaned forward, his lips centimeters away from mine. He looked me in the eyes, what once were his bright blue eyes, are now coated over with lust.

He licked his lips, softly whispering my name before kissing me softly. My heart raced, my stomach was doing flips. I felt myself harden, making me extremely embarrassed. Levi went behind me, softly nibbling on my neck.

I whimpered and whined, my hips swaying up for friction. Eren pulled away, looking me in the eyes before trailing small kisses down my stomach. I bit harshly at the back of my hand, whimpering at the pain and want.

Levi took his lips away from my neck, walking behind Eren and slipping off his boxers. He then sat Eren up, helping him with his boxers. Eren then returned to the small butterfly kisses up and down my stomach, while Levi was playing with Eren from behind.

Eren then pulled down my boxers with his teeth achingly slow, looking me in the eyes the entire time. Eren breathes heavily, slightly looking behind him at Levi, his cheeks flushed. Levi then entered Eren, making him whine and tightly grip at my hips.

While Levi was thrusting into Eren, Eren began to lightly kiss the tip of my member. He stuck his tongue in between the slit, licking up the precum. I was extremely embarrassed, turned on by the fact that Eren Jaeger is doing this to me.

He then placed the tip into his mouth, swirling his tongue in circles. It drove me crazy, raking my fingers through his soft brown hair. He moaned as I did so, making the vibrations cause me to violently shiver.

Levi was quietly moaning as he continued to ram into Eren with no mercy.

Eren then engulfed the entire thing. I felt my member hit the back of his throat, making me whimper, trying my best not to thrust into his mouth. Eren knew of this, so he lightly held my hips down with his cold hands, making me wince at the shivering touch.

Eren began bobbing his head, making me call out. I felt Eren lightly smirking to himself, continuing at a faster pace. My mind was going blank, my vision was blurry, and my body was in pure ecstasy.

My tongue hung lazily out of my mouth, drool falling from the tip of my tongue, down onto Erens back. Levi glared at the filthiness. Still thrusting into Eren, Levi leaned over and started to passionately kiss me.

I was surprised, confused, but went along with it. After a few moments, all of us quickened our pace, all almost at our climax.

I pulled away from the kiss. "E-Eren~!"
I came into his mouth, him pulling away and swallowing. Eren pulled me in for another kiss, making my heart ache, knowing Eren wasn't mine to begin with.

Levi gave his last few thrusts, climaxing with Eren, making him moan and whimper against my lips. Levi pulled out, and Eren stopped the kiss.

I looked at both of them with a flushed face, my chest still rising and falling from the exciting moment.

[ Eren ]

It felt awkward afterwards, still having the taste of Armin's sweet and soft lips on mine. His chest was pale, his small pink buds were adorable. He was thin, frail, but somehow had a six pack.

I blushed and looked away. What now?

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