(17) Bitch

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[ Levi ]

God dammit why is it so cold in here...?

My eyes fluttered open, looking around the sanitized room. I felt at ease, but couldn't really recollect of what happened before I got here. My body was sore and my legs felt paralyzed.

I sat up with the help of my arms, pulling the blanket further up to cover my legs. I looked around, finding a tall metal table with different things I'd no idea what they were for there. Except there was a small remote, maybe I could work that.

I reached over and snatched it, studying each button. They were all different colors, which pissed me off more than ever. I finally pressed a button with "RS" which I guess stands for room services.

Shortly after, a nurse walked in and smiled gently. "I see you've finally woken up, Mr.Ackerman." I lifted my left arm and scratched my ribs, seeing the nurse raise her eyebrow.

"Is there anything you need?" She asked, collecting herself together and pressed on the same fake smile.

God how annoying.

"The person who brought me here, are they still here?" I asked. She seemed disappointed from the question, but shook her head.

"No, he left last night. He said he had some business to fix with a certain someone." I looked down at my hands.

She coughed lightly, fixing her clipboard and dress. "Speaking of certain someone's, do you happen to have someone special-"

I glared at the blonde headed, lipstick wearing, clown looking dumb ass, cutting her off. "Yes, the man who brought me here."

Her face changed with disgust, leaving without saying a word. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.


From here, I could see the whole city from the huge window by the hospital bed. It's the middle of the day, was all that happened a dream? No, it can't be, then I wouldn't be here.


[ Eren ]

I finally showed at Armin's front door, ringing the doorbell and quickly gripped onto my knees for support. It took a while, but the door easily creaked open, a pair of blue eyes peeking out. The familiar eyes widened, closing shut and tried closing the door.

I pressed my body against the door, tumbling in and over Armin. He was blushing bright red, quickly standing up and dusted himself off, I did the same. I took a sharp breath in .

"Armin, I can't-" he took a step back, hanging his head low and his blonde hair creating a shadow over his eyes.

"I know." He muttered. I stepped forward, grabbing his shirt, and pulled him into a hug. Immediately feelings cold tears touch my skin. He sniffled and stood there, his face buried into my shoulder.

He pulled softly away, wiping his tears with his sleeves. "Is that all you came here for?"

I nodded. " I'm the one who's ruining everything, I'm sorry. It was idiotic of me to have this going, I hope you'll understand."

He forced a smile, shaking his head. "No, it was me who fell for you. I'm sorry." I looked at the ground.

"Just one more." Im horrible.

"What?" I know that.

"Just..." I know.

I lunged forward and grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him upwards and kissed him. My heart ached but it was for him, he's still my friend. I can't let him be depressed, but, fuck, what's wrong with me?

He pushed me away and covered his mouth with the back of his hand. Blush and dried tears on his cheeks. I looked to the ground, clenching my fists.

"Go." I looked up, another forced smile on his face.


"Go back, with Levi. I know he's the one for you, I've seen the way you look at him, the way you two suit each other so well." He said quietly to keep his voice from cracking.

I sighed, turning around and placed my hand on the doorknob. I turned my head. "Bye." I muttered, leaving the house.

[ Levi ]

Where the hell is this brat anyway?

I couldn't help but replay the moments in my head, so much shit has gone on with our lives. We've missed so much school, never had one perfect day, and always drama at every corner.

"Seriously." I breathed, slumping back against the bed, landing on the soft pillow and stiff-as-a-rock bed.

How did we become what we are?

I don't remember asking him out.

It just sort of...happened?

I wonder.

My head turned, an all-too-familiar tall shitty body standing at the door.


Why's he shirtless?

I watched his stomach as he sped over to me, pulling me into a warm embrace. His long arms wrapped around my small body perfectly, his hard chest slowly brushed against mine as he breathed.

"Levi..." He mumbled, pulling away and softly gripped my shoulders. His eyes looked into mine, they're...so blue.

"What is it?" He smiled, tilting his head and giggled. My eyes slightly widened at the sight, he's so cute. I reached over and ruffled his hair, blush flowing into his cheeks immediately.

After that, I snaked my hands around his waist, his soft skin feeling nice at the tips of my fingers. Tracing his spine, I pulled him closer and felt his hand lift my face. We inched closer, our lips barely touching.

The sound of clicking heels made our heads snap, the nurse from before glaring in Eren's direction. She blew a bubble from her gum, a loud popping sound after, gather the gum and continued to chew it.

She walked towards us with attitude, Eren, sitting on the bed beside me and held my hand. She rolled her eyes horribly, clicking her pen and wrote on the clipboard she held.

"The doctor says your free to go, Mr.Ackerman." Out of nowhere, a squeal was heard and the same arms from before wrapped around me.

I hugged Eren back, smirking at the nurse. She made an ugly face, making her look constipated. I chuckled and held Eren tighter, mouthing this word to the nurse.



Oiiiii~ ✨

Someone messaged me personally and said this Fanfiction isn't making any sense. 😨

My lovely little readers, is this true? 。・゜・(ノД')・゜・。

I'm sorry, I really am. But I have a huge test tomorrow and three finals exams back-to-back next week, so I'm trying to focus on school more.


Are there any Jeff the Killer fans out there?

*nods rapidly and raises hand*

Well I just uploaded the first chapter to the book, I really hope you like it. It was inspired by my dear kawaii friend, jasmine_mendez14

We were texting each other, rping and I noticed how good it was that I could make a FANFICTION from it . 😂❤️

So be sure to check that out, peace out my KAWAII readers !

You're perverted killer,

GTK . 💕🔪

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