(8) Promise

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[ Eren ]

We all stood there naked for a while, me and Armin were the only ones being insecure. Levi just sat there, looking bored as hell.

"W-We should all take a shower." Armin stuttered, still blush in his cheeks.

"Yeah." Levi stood up, walking over to the showers immediately.

Armin and I just sort of slowly, awkwardly walked towards the showers, not speaking a word. Of course we wouldn't, we had no idea what to say.

Armin lightly tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around, seeing his cheeks a light shade of pink.

"Thanks...it made me feel as if...y-you were mine..." I felt bad for him, of course, but I stood shocked.

I looked down at the ground, so did he. We were both snapped out of the silence by hearing one of the shower heads turn on. After that, we went our separate ways.

[ Outside Of School ]

Me and Levi walked out, side by side. I would occasionally catch Armin looking at us both with sad eyes. Levi didn't pay much attention to it.

I couldn't help but remember what happened in there, feeling my cheeks warm up. I reached for Levi's hand, holding it.

I looked down at him, seeing he was sort of blushing also. I giggled, leaning down and kisses the top of his head. He grunted and pulled away, pointing a finger at me and a hand on his hip.

"O-Oi, what do you think you're doing?" I smiled, thinking it was cute when Levi was embarrassed. I mean, who wouldn't think that?

I walked over to him, patted his head lightly, then held his hand again, continuing to walk home.

[ Armin ]

I don't know if it was anger, sadness, or jealousy building inside of me as I watched the two walk happily together. All I know, is that I don't like it.

I gripped tightly to my bag, looking down at the ground. I fought many tears, silently sniffling and whimpering under my breath.

I want to be happy for Eren, I really do. But, seeing him with Levi...I just feel so alone. But sooner or later, I always convince myself that, if Eren's happy, I'm happy.

So I picked my head up, wiping the tears from my eyes and walked as quickly as possible to get home.

[ Armin's Home ]

I slipped off my shoes at the doorstep, dropping my bag there as well. I walked straight to my room, throwing myself to the bed. I sighed, sitting up and slowly slipping my shirt off.

I walked to the restroom, grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste. When I looked in the mirror, I blushed.

There were hickeys all around my stomach, where Eren had kissed. I slowly touched each one of them, feeling the tip of my fingers heat up.

I quickly brushed my teeth, then again, began to admire the red marks. There were about ten of them. I smiled and blushed, feeling tears well up in my eyes.

"Eren..." I croaked, "be mine...please." I got on my knees, hiding my face with my palms.

I then wondered, why am I hiding? I stood up, and screamed. I let out all of the pain, the jealousy, everything. I cried and screamed till I started to lose my voice.

I went to lay down on my bed, out of breath and throat in pain. Before I could fall asleep, my phone rang.

I grabbed it out from my pocket, seeing it was a call from Eren. I hesitated, answering with a shaky hand.

"H-Hello?" Dammit, my voice.

"Armin, were you crying?" Damn.

"N-No, I'm fine. What's up?" Eren stayed silent for a while, then sighed.

"I'm sorry about today, if we forced you to do it." I blushed, he cares about me? Or, is he just being nice...

"It's fine...I...I liked it." My breath hitched as soon as I said that, covering my mouth.

"S-Sorry." Eren chuckled, making me blush again.

"It's okay, I liked it, too." My eyes widened, but I soon smiled. He probably wants me to feel better, that's all.

My heart raced, and I gripped the phone closer to my mouth.



"Can...we do it again...?"


"I'm sorry, forget I-"

"No, it's fine. Armin, you know I'm with Levi."

"I know..."

He sighed. "Just the two of us. This is our secret, okay?"

My heart skipped a beat. "Okay."



I smiled, hugging the phone.

"Goodnight, Armin."

"Goodnight, Eren."

After that, we both hung up, and I was able to sleep soundly.

Hue hue. 🌚

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