(10) Nightmares

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[ Eren's Pov ]

Armin smiled with a soft blush, snuggling into my side. I was too tired and sore to stand up and get dressed, so I laid there with him, both of us out of energy.

"Eren...?" Armin whispered, placing his hand on my stomach.

"Yeah?" I repeatedly raked my fingers through his blonde hair, loving how it felt against my skin. He sighed and snuggled closer towards me.

"Thank you." I stared up at the ceiling, now tracing my fingers up and down his spine. Armin soon fell soundly asleep, leaving me with my taunting thoughts.

"I'm sorry..."I whispered, feeling my eyes shut slowly.

[ Later ]

"Eren, wake up sleepy head." My eyes fluttered open at the sight of the blonde haired boy. I smiled and placed my hand on his cheek, letting his face lean more into the palm of my hand.

He smiled and patted my shoulder. "It's alright 6:03. School ended two hours ago."

I yawned, stretching and sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Armin was already in his uniform, sitting silently as he watched me get dressed. He then stood up once I was done, then followed me out of the school.

"I didn't think it would be this cold." Armin shivered, gripping onto the strap of his book bag. I peeked at him from the corner of my eye, seeing the tip of his nose was bright red.

I sighed, removing my jacket. "You'll get sick. Why didn't you bring your jacket, you know it's winter." He smiled as he pulled the jacket over his shoulder and blushed, looking down at the ground as we walked.

We stopped some distance from Levi's house, and stood in front of each other. Armin smiled, tilting his head. He then stood on his tiptoes, and I leaned down. With a short passionate kiss, we went separate ways.

Before I could enter the house, I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. The door slowly opened and Levi was there. His usual dark face was the same, along with his eyes and the rest of him. But he smiled and let me in, a somewhat confused look.

"Where were you, I looked all over school for you?" Flashbacks of me and Armin flooded my mind, making me depressed and guilty.

But I shook it away and shrugged. "I was studying for an exam we have tomorrow." He nodded, and walked over to the couch.

I let my self in, slipping my shoes off and dropping my book bag at the door. I walked to our room, changing into more comfortable clothes and putting my uniform to wash. I then walked over next to Levi on the couch, cuddling up beside him.

I was spaced out most of the time, feeling Levi mess softly with my hair as he watched tv. He then shifted his body, kissing the top of my head.

"Eren, what's wrong?" I froze, but shook my head.

"Just nervous about tomorrow." He smirked slightly, but seemed still unsure. He traced his fingers up and down my arm, making my arm get goosebumps.

After a while of watching random tv shows, I heard soft snoring. I looked up to see a sleeping Levi. I smiled at how adorable he looked, and got up from the couch. I grabbed a blanket that was nearby and placed it over him. I then walked over to a smaller couch, falling uncomfortably asleep.

[ Dream ]

"Eren, why...?" Levi had tears streaming down his pale face, covering it with the palms of his hands.

I was confused, and then felt a hand land on my shoulder. "Face it, he loves me. Not you." I look over my shoulder and saw Armin, his innocent blue eyes glaring down at Levi.

I shook my head, unable to speak or move. I opened my mouth to call for Levi, but nothing came out. I cried along, watching Levi being broken hearted and cry his heart out. I wanted to run to him and hug him, kiss him.

I felt like I was going crazy. I constantly called out to Levi, not caring if he couldn't hear me. Hell, I couldn't even hear myself. A soft chuckle was heard behind me.

"Eren, the only one that can hear you...is me." I looked back to Armin, smirking and twirling a piece of my hair.

I couldn't move, so all I could do was look at him.

"Let me go, Armin! Let me fucking go!" He giggled again, shaking his head lightly,

"I'm afraid I can't do that, love." I let my head fall and tears fell down my face.

Armin walked in front of me, picking my face up by the chin. He looked into my eyes, leaning closer.

"No..." I whined, but it was too late.

He pressed his thin lips on mine. I looked over to Levi, he was wide eyed and seemed frozen. He watched Armin kiss me, and silent tears fell down his cheeks.

I tried pulling away, but I had no strength. Then, it all went black.

I was now in school, walking, with Levi by my side. I was extremely confused, touching my face, but felt no tears. Levi looked over at me, opening his mouth slightly.

"Why..." His face saddened, like before. My heart shattered. Before I could reach out, the floor before me was collapsing, Levi took a step back, watching me fall into a dark abyss.

My eyes opened again, it was pitch black, but I could see myself clearly. I walked around, hearing the soft scuffling of my socks. For some reason, it was oddly cold, and I started to freeze. After a while of walking, I spotted Levi far in the distance.

He just stood there, a smile on his face, reaching his hand out. I smiled hopefully, running towards him. But the cold air was hurting my lungs, and my knees were growing weak. My warm breath showed in the air, my eyes drying from the cold wind.

I was so close...

I fell right in front of him, but wasn't close enough to touch him. I laid there with my face against the ground, my blood was cold and my body was stiff. I closed my eyes and accepted the fact that...

I deserve to be alone...

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