(9) Storage Room

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[ Eren ]

I stared off into space during class, thinking about the phone call I had with Armin. I couldn't even speak to Levi correctly this morning, how stupid am I?

I love Levi...so, what's this?

I raked my fingers through my hair, having a few strands fall back in front of my face. I didn't bother moving in my seat, despite Armin sits right next to me. I looked over at the corner of my eye, seeing Armin taking notes.

Depression filled me, and I don't know what to do with it. I'm a monster, a liar. How can I do this to Levi, what am I?

Who am I?

The more I thought about it, the more I hated myself. The more I wished for me to stop breathing. The more I wished...that I could be perfect. But, I knew it would never come true. No matter how hard I tried.

A small piece of balled up paper landed in front of me on my desk, startling me. I looked around, my eyes landing on Armin. He motioned for me to read it. So, I opened it.

'Eren, meet me in the storage room after class.'

I folded up the paper again, stuffing it into my pocket. Why does he want to meet? I thought about it, then I finally found the answer.

So...is that it?

[ After Class ]

After gathering everything, Armin was gone and I was heading towards the storage room. It was dark, and dusty, since no one ever went in there. I hesitantly opened the door, seeing the light was dimmed and there were boxes everywhere.

Out of nowhere, Armin popped out from behind on of the stack of boxes, blush on his cheeks. Without warning, he lunged forward, placing his lips roughly on mine. My breath hitched, Armin pushing me lightly against the wall.

His soft thin lips moved with mine. He gripped on tightly to my shirt, letting me wrap my hands around his waist. It felt wrong, but I couldn't help it. It was the sick pleasure, that wouldn't go away.

I then turned us around, him now against the wall. Armin was on his tiptoes, slowly wrapping his arms around my neck. After a while, I swiped my tongue across his bottom lip.

[ Armin ]

His tongue lightly licked my bottom lip. I hesitated, but let his tongue enter. Our tongues brushing against each other, swirling around each other, I couldn't control myself.

Eren then pulled away from the kiss. Even though it was slightly dark, I could see his blue eyes and blush clearly. He began to undress me, his hands traveling up and down my torso, making me shiver.

"Armin." He breathed out, bringing his lips to my neck. Automatically, my head tilted to give more access, running my fingers through his soft hair.

He moaned lightly against my neck, eventually finding the sweet spot. I made a high pitched moan, making Eren smirk. He pulled his lips away, giving me one more peck on the lips.

He then looked at the hickeys on my stomach, touching each one. He knelt down, kissing and grazing his teeth against random parts of my stomach and chest. While he did that, his fingers were pinching and fondling with my nipples.

I bit the back of my hand, the other trying to grip at the wall. Eren then looked up at me, making eye contact. As if asking for permission, I nodded. He started to unbutton my pants, pulling them down.

He stared at it through my boxers, licking his lips. He then started to lightly bite at it through the fabric. I took in a sharp breath, placing my hands on his head.

He began to start pulling my boxers down extremely slow, letting my member flick out. He grabbed it, slowly pumping it and wrapped his mouth around the tip. I whimpered, tears in my eyes.

He pulled away, quickly removing his clothes. He closed his eyes, placing the whole member into his mouth. I threw my head back, trying to keep my moans as quiet as possible.

"E-Eren..." I whined. He looked at me and tilted his head.

"Mmm.?" My eyes widened and my back arched. I closed my eyes shut, biting my lower lip.

He pulled away suddenly with a pop, standing up correctly. He kissed me again, tasting myself on his tongue. He laid his head in the crook of my neck, grinding each other's privates against each other.

In the blink of an eye, his boxers were on the ground and I was on the ground. He rubbed my privates in between his ass, making me a moaning mess.

He then got on his knees, lowering himself onto my member. My back arched, making me go deeper inside of Eren. The sensation was unexplainable. My body was violently shivering every time he bounced up and down.

I held him by the hips, helping him. Eren moaned uncontrollably, not caring if anyone heard. I reached for his erect member, slowly pumping it. He whimpered and tilted his head back.

Eren then leaned down for a passionate kiss, heated and loving. After I thrusted into Eren for a few more minutes, my breath hitched and my hard on twitched.

He noticed this, and went faster, making me go crazy. We both violently twitched.



The hot liquid shot into him. He fell to the ground, laying down next to me. My heart was thumping and my face was flushed. Eren seemed tired, his eyes half open and his breath was heavy.

He faced me, cupping my face, and kissed me.


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