(19) Lovely Lust

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[ Eren ]

Levi grabbed me by the wrist, leading me upstairs to the room. My face was still completely flushed, anticipation filling my mind. Since Levi hadn't put on his clothes this morning, and was still in his boxers, I could see the tent. I blushed and tried to shy away, but he stepped forward and groped me down there.

I yelped and gripped onto his shoulders, having him push me until we both fell onto the bed. I whimpered as his hand continued to rub and tease me through the thin fabric, feeling the pre-cum soak a small spot on my boxers.

I felt selfish for him being the only one feeling pleasure, so I pushed him away softly, and realized something. I poured and watched Levi huff out heavily.

"What's wrong?" He breathed, his chest rising and falling slowly.

I looked away and pouted more with embarrassment. "You know, I've never gotten to top you." I mumbled through pursed lips. His face twisted in confusion.

"Wh-What?" I sat up and stared at him with determination.

"Tonight, I'll be the one filling the donut!" I felt stupid at the reference I'd just made, but I tried to stay looking confident. Levi seemed surprised and shocked, and scooted away with an awkward face.

"Th-There's no need for that!" I grunted and pulled him closer, seeing his pale cheeks flushed.

[ Levi ]

What's this brat think he's doing? He can't just say something stupid like that out loud!

I was shaken away from my thoughts by a pair of soft, plump lips meeting mine, moving in sync. His hands wrapped around my neck, my arms making sure I wouldn't fall from growing weaker by the second.

His hands snaked down my sides and gripped my butt, scooting me closer to him. Laying me down, he towered over me with lust filled eyes. I felt hot and bothered all over, why am I acting like this all of a sudden?

"Levi..." He breathed, before grinding our members together, our boxers still on. I stifled a moan and looked away, why am I so embarrassed?

"Levi...Levi..." He continued to moan my name while my body shook with pleasure. Trying to keep my hips from bucking forward, I gripped onto his arms and bit my lip. He inched closer to my face, his blue eyes meeting mine.

"Let me hear you." He mumbled, nuzzling closer to my neck, nipping and licking, searching for that one spot. I let out a inaudible moan, my mouth wide open, drool spilling from the corners of my mouth.

I felt his lips curl into a smirk, sticking out his tongue and trailed it down my body, to the hem of my boxers. He looked at me with hungry eyes, but still asked for permission. I blinked, laying my head down and readying myself for what's to come.

He took the hint, sliding off the fabric and pulled them off from my ankles, throwing them at the door. His tongue was cold, licking from base to tip, sending chills down my spine. Once at the top, he moaned softly, diving down to swallow the tip. Feeling it hit the back of his throat immediately, my back arched and I bit my hand.

I sat up, breathing heavily, turned on more by the sight.

Hollowed cheeks, shut eyes, fallen eyelashes, messy hair, and bare back. My fingers found their way tangled into his brown locks, making him groan and send vibrations throughout my body. I couldn't help but find myself mindlessly pushing his head further down, his hands gripping my thighs.

"Eren..." I moaned, hunching forward, the pleasure was immense, lovely, unbearable, and fantastic all at once. I wanted to talk, but I couldn't find the strength to.

His lips detached with a loud pop, saliva trailing from my tip to his tongue, soon breaking off and landing on his chin. He stood and slid his boxers off, his member springing to life and hit the bottom of his stomach. His breathing was heavy and his eyes were dark.

Laying me down again, he kissed my collar bones, leaving hickeys and light bruises. Feeling him aligned at my entrance, I couldn't help but fear for the worst. My virginity is going to this brat.

"I'm going in." Eren mumbled, slowly pushing into me. My eyes widened, screaming inaudibly, pain shooting through me like lightening. My insides were being torn apart, I'm sure of it.

Eren combed back some of my hair, kissing my forehead and looked me in the eyes. "Does it hurt?" He went further in, making me grunt loudly with pain. I nodded quickly.

My head's spinning...

My ass hurts like hell.

"I'm sorry...do you want to stop." I wiggled around trying to get comfortable, only hearing Eren groan with discomfort. I gripped onto his shoulders, pulling him closer.

He slid his arms under my back, hugging each other tightly. My breath was shaky, tears brimming my eyes. I sighed and held him closer.

"Just hold me like this, I'll be fine." I murmured. He kissed my neck, pushing further in. Biting my lip, my eyes were tight shut and my mind was going blank.

"I'm going to move..." Within a few seconds, he started to slowly thrust. My nails dug into his back, shoving my head further into his shoulder. It hurts...so much.

It took over ten minutes for me to get used to it a bit, Eren going at a faster pace, my voice no longer able to hold itself in. Feeling him thrust at an inhuman pace, I was a moaning mess.

And at just the right moment, my back arched, my voice louder than any other moan I've done. Eren towered over me again, smiling.

"I found it." My eyes widened and my cheeks burned, shit.

Now going harder and faster, he continued to hit that one spot...deep inside. My voice was uncontrollable, watching Eren's face twist in pleasure, the pit of my stomach growing tighter and tighter, it was too much.

"Look at me, I want to see your face properly when you cum." I blushed and hesitated, facing him. His blue eyes were bright, his tan skin glistened with sweat, his lips curled into a small smile, all while slamming into me.

Suddenly my body jolted, letting me know I was close. Before I could say anything, Eren slowed down, making me wiggle and move around for more friction.

"Levi, I want you to know...how much I love you." After that, he pulled out, slamming into me again. I whined and yelped, wrapping my arms around his neck, hands trailing down his golden back.

Everything was going so fast...

My heartbeat, my breathing, his speed, my thoughts...were all at different speeds.

"E-Eren!" I screamed, watching my liquids burst and fall onto my chest, thinking it was over. But no, it sure as hell wasn't.

Since I had already came, Eren continued. I was sensitive by now, making me twitch with pleasure the more he thrusted, feeling a second orgasm build up in the pit of my stomach. His thrusts became tired and sloppy, but continued the pace and strength, letting me know he was close too.

"Levi!" And just like that, I felt myself be filled up with hot liquids.

As he pulled out, it spilled out and trickled down my thighs. He leaned forward and kissed me passionately, pressing our foreheads together. Both of us were too tired to talk, so he plopped down beside me, hugging my waist and fell asleep.

I petted his hair and felt myself get sleepy.

I love this brat.

Your wish has been granted . ♪( '▽`)

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