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Mingyu knew he had promised Seungchoel, his ex roommate who has been there for him through everything,  from his first day of University, his first actual crush, to his first ever rejection, he was there to handle it all along side Mingyu, to take care of the older's brother.

Seungchoel had never asked Mingyu for any type of favour before this, and thus Mingyu had agreed out of his gratefulness towards the older.

But at this moment, seeing the younger male laying on the couch with wrappers of all types of food around him, staring at the television screen, he knew it wasn't going to be easy.

At first impression people never thought Mingyu was more on a 'cleaner guy' side but he infact was, he wasn't obsessed with cleanliness but preferred keeping at least the apartment clean, which totally wasn't the scene at the moment.

"Seungkwan", he began with a low voice, standing beside the wall separating his room and the kitchen.

After a few seconds of not getting any response, Mingyu sighed and walked towards the couch, turning the television off, when he noticed the younger wasn't even paying any attention to the screen but was just staring at nothing in particular.

"Yah",he exclaimed, raising his voice a little, thus startling the younger who suddenly sat up from his laying position.

"What?", Seungkwan asked, his voice low, still not looking at the taller, standing by the couch.

"Please clean all this",Mingyu firmly said, ignoring the mood the younger was in.

Seungkwan looked up at him, making him gesture to all the wrappers lying around the couch, a few on the coffee table and some others on the ground.

The male addressed, nodded and slowly got up, picking up all the trash first from the couch, then from the table with a painfully slow speed, making Mingyu groan and help the other by quickly picking up everything from the floor.

"Why are you eating all of this?", Mingyu asked as the younger followed him to place the trash in the trashbin they kept in the kitchen.

"I was hungry", the younger shrugged, making his way back to the living room after putting the trash away.

"That doesn't explain why you would eat this amount of packed food, it's unhealthy", Mingyu replied as he too made his way to the living room, eying the younger who had resumed his original position on the couch, leaving no space for Mingyu.

"I know", the younger replied in a small voice, the guilt was on its way now, about to wreck Seungkwan in a few minutes.

"You know and", Mingyu raised his eyebrow, as he pushed the younger's legs off of the couch and sat down.

"I was nervous okay and ate too much", Seungkwan abruptly raised his voice, looking down, and  the guilt was here.

"which I shouldn't have, I know", he mumbled upon hearing no response from the male sitting beside him.

"Seungkwan it's not about eating too much, it's just eating too much of this is not healthy and what are you nervous about?", Mingyu asked trying to sound as calm and soft as he could, he had promised Seungchoel and he will keep that.

The younger just stared at the floor, not even looking at Mingyu, making him sigh.

"Listen, you can talk to me whenever you feel like, I am in the kitchen okay", Mingyu patted the younger's shoulder before getting up and walking back to the kitchen.

Not even a few minutes later, he was surprised by a small voice, bearly audible coming from the entrance of the kitchen, he had almost dropped the carrot he was holding, about to cut it.

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