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Seungkwan woke up to the smell of amazing food, he  lazily sat up on his bed, still in his clothes from last night, as he smiled to himself still happy with how last night turned out and how his hyungs were happy about it.

He quitely stood up, changed into something comfortable, brushed his teeth and made his way downstairs, to find the older, settling their plates with breakfast on the table.

"I was about to call you",Mingyu said once he saw the younger walking towards the kitchen, taking a seat.

"Thank you", Seungkwan said and started eating, even though he had a pretty nice dinner yesterday, but he still somehow woke up hungry.

"What are you doing today?", Mingyu asked as he sat down across from the younger, eating his own breakfast.

"Nothing, why?", Seungkwan questioned back, as he looked up from his food to face the older and then went back to eating.

"Come with me then", Mingyu answered hesitantly, trying to sound casual, as he stopped eating and focused his attention on the younger.

"Where?", Seungkwan questioned again, diverting his focus from the great food to the the older, sensing something might be wrong, from the older's tone of voice.

"Just somewhere", Mingyu answered, the hesitance and slight seriousness still evident in his voice.

"Okay", Seungkwan shrugged and went back to eating, what could possibly go wrong.

When Seungkwan had agreed to accompany the older, he didn't know they had to leave right away, as soon as they were done with their breakfast, the older asked Seungkwan to dress casually, it wasn't even afternoon yet, he couldn't even guess where they were going this early, but he did what he was asked to anyway.

"It's a brunch", Mingyu informed as the younger walked out of his room, startling the younger, he himself was all ready, dressed in a faded black jeans and a plain black button up.

"Wow", Seungkwan exclaimed calming himself down and then making his way towards the older who was standing near the entrance of their apartment, putting on his shoes.

"But we already had our breakfast", Seungkwan pointed as he finished putting on his shoes.

"We don't really have to eat", the older replied as he waited for Seungkwan to stand up and then opened the door, walking outside.

"Are we having company?", Seungkwan asked as he followed the older down the stairs, he didn't really like elevators, he didn't fear them but didn't like them either and the older knew that thus they took the stairs besides they lived on the 3rd floor so it wasn't that many stairs to began with.

Mingyu just gave a small nod in response and together they walked towards the bus station.

Seungkwan knew something was up because usually they would joke around or just talk about random things on their way to the bus station but today they silently walked towards the bus station and boarded the bus.

"Thank you", Mingyu suddenly said when they settled down at the very back of the bus, taking the younger by surprise.

"Hyung, is everything alright?", Seungkwan asked just to make sure, and let out a sigh of relief when the older nodded.

The bus ride was long, they drove to a entirely different part of the town, where Seungkwan hardly went, it was more on the lavish, insanely richer side of the town, everything of the same tone, rich, elegant and screaming money, too boring for Seungkwan's taste, he preferred variations over this.

Even though Seungkwan had questions but he kept his mouth closed as he walked beside the older, his eyes busy trying to take in as much of his surroundings as he possibly could.

He definitely felt a lot smaller than he usually did, everything was so new to him and the fact that he could possibly never afford anything even closely related to everything here made him feel even smaller.

After a short walk, they stopped in front of a nice looking place, which maybe was an eating place, but it didn't really have banners with pictures of food surrounding it, like Seungkwan was used to seeing so he couldn't really tell.

He saw the older take a deep breath, before walking in, making him follow.

Inside there were different booths partially filled with people with stone cold looks and hands busy either attending a phone call or talking quitely to the person sitting across them, it wasn't like a normal eating place which Seungkwan was used to, which was filled with chatter, between friends or family as they had a fun time.

He followed the older as they made their way towards the far end of the room, entering another room, it had a huge circular table, with lots of food on it, and chairs arranged around it, with two of them being occupied by what Seungkwan thought was a middle aged couple, dressed nicely, with stern looks.

He felt the older slip his hand into his own as he intervined their fingers, making him look down at their hands, as the older slightly pulled him and they walked towards the older couple, the older bowing to the two people, making Seungkwan copy his actions.


Shorter chapter, I know but I wanted to do this in double updates so yeah

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