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Mingyu happily made his way towards the kitchen continuing the breakfast he had halfway left after the conversation with the younger in the morning, quickly giving it the last final touches, he plated the food and walked towards the younger's room.

Knocking thrice, he entered, like he usually did.

Seungkwan was just sitting on his bed, doing nothing, Mingyu smiled at the younger.

"I made you breakfast", he said as he raised one of  the plate in his hands a little, indicating that he indeed did.

"Thank you", the younger replied as he shifted  towards the centre of the bed, making some place for the older.

Mingyu smiled again as he sat down on the bed and handed the younger his breakfast.

The pair ate their breakfast in silence after which Mingyu stood up and took Seungkwan's plate with him, making the younger whine, usually they would split the work, the older cooked for them and the younger did the dishes afterwards, but this time Mingyu did both, as he told Seungkwan to get ready for the day.


Around 11 in the morning, both of the boys were ready to leave, it was much later than Mingyu had originally thought of starting their day, but he was still happy and content.

He really wanted the younger to have a nice day and just have fun.

"Where are we going?", Seungkwan asked as they started walking towards the bus stand.

"Movie?", Mingyu replied which came off more as a question since he was suddenly really nervous about everything he had planned for the day.

Seungkwan just nodded as they continued to walk side by side, the bus station wasn't that far away, maybe a 15 minutes walk, and since neither of the two males owned a car, they usually took the bus whenever they were going anywhere other than their university, since their university was really close to their apartment.

They were walking on the side walk and when they had to cross the road to reach the other side since the bus station was on the other side of the road, Mingyu instinctively held Seungkwan's hand, like he usually did when they were about to cross a road, it wasn't like the younger couldn't cross a road by himself, it was just whenever they were doing so, the younger would have been too busy talking to mind his surroundings so Mingyu always held Seungkwan's hand when they were crossing a road to make sure nothing happened to the younger.

"Sorry", he mumbled when he realised that he had held the younger's hand, quickly letting it go.

They waited for a few minutes for the right bus, before getting into one, Mingyu let the younger take the window seat and sat down beside him, it was always like this, these things were now so natural to Mingyu that he didn't even think before doing them.

Soon enough they found themselves at the entrance of the mall, making their way inside and towards the movie hall, Mingyu quickly bought two tickets, he had checked the details before hand in the morning just to make sure it was what he was hoping for.

Buying a pack of popcorn, along with one coke and one bottle of water, he made his way back towards the younger who was standing at the corner, his hands hugging his torso.

"Here", he said as he handed the shorter male the bottle of water, he knew Seungkwan really couldn't handle the soda that well, but he still liked it thus eying the can coke in the older's hand and then the water bottle in his, Seungkwan whined.

"I never said we won't share, and the water because they don't have anything else than different types of soda or plain water", Mingyu scoffed, they should have had some type of other beverages but they didn't.

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