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Mingyu finally let go of the younger's hand, when they had walked a safe distance away from the restaurant.

Seungkwan felt like he could finally breath again, he was still a little surprised at everything that happened, he wasn't expecting to meet the older's parents leave alone meet them like that.

"Sorry", Mingyu mumbled, bringing the younger back to reality.

"hyung are you okay?", Seungkwan asked totally ignoring the older's apology.

Mingyu just nodded and gave the younger a small smile.

"Do you want to talk about it?", Seungkwan prompted unsure.

"Maybe", Mingyu answered, he honestly didn't want to, but maybe talking to someone about it will help, it wasn't a big deal, but Mingyu had never talked about it with anyone, not even his own friends knew who his parents were or what they were like, they just knew they weren't ideal parents, or even close to that.

Seungkwan took the older's hand again as he started dragging him towards the bus station, they could talk about it if the older wanted but at the moment getting out of this stupid area was Seungkwan's first priority.

They had a very silent bus ride back home, and the silence still continued as they walked back towards their apartment from the bus station.

"What?", Mingyu questioned as he let the younger drag him away from their apartment building, they were walking back home and when they reached their apartment building, the younger suddenly took a hold of the older's hand and started dragging him.

Soon the pair found themselves in the convenience store.

"What? Ice cream always helps", Seungkwan said trying to make his point. Mingyu just shrugged and followed the younger.

They bought ice cream and then Seungkwan dragged the older towards the park they usually visited during their night walks, the park was even emptier than usual since it was still early afternoon.

They both took a seat on a bench as the younger gestured the older to start speaking, focusing on the wonder in his hand, his beloved ice cream, momentarily forgetting, the ice cream was for Mingyu to feel better and not for him to devour.

"They were my parents", Mingyu said as a sigh left his mouth.

"Oh I couldn't have guessed", Seungkwan sarcastically commented, rolling his eyes at the older.

"Well, I don't particularly have a great relationship with them", Mingyu continued making the younger scoff.

"Hyung it's okay if you don't want to talk about it, but stop saying the obvious things", Seungkwan said, eying the older from his peripheral view.

"I don't know, it's not like I don't want to talk about it, its just I am not used to talking about it, all I ever tell anyone is how I don't have a nice relationship with them and that's it, I never elaborate", Mingyu exclaimed, as he let another sigh escape his mouth.

"Take it slow", Seungkwan mumbled as his hand went and brought the older's ice cream closer to his mouth, asking him to take a bite.

"My father, he is very manipulative", Mingyu said after a few seconds passed, gaining the younger's entire attention.

"He always wants to control my life, initially it was who I was friends with then what I wanted to study and when I didn't let him have a say in that, he now wants to control where I get my degree from, it's just everything has to be according to his liking, which is very annoying, he honestly doesn't appreciate me being a film major he wanted me to do something in business, which I don't like so I didn't, I went ahead and moved out on my own, now he looks down on me, and never lets a single opportunity to insult me slip.", Mingyu continued, it felt good to actually talk about it, he diverted his attention to the ice cream in his hand, not even glancing towards younger who was sitting beside him, listening intuitively.

"My mom wants me to move back in, and go to a better university, a university they can brag about among their friends, but I can't live with my father, all we ever do if fight over the most trivial things, and I like it here, and I know if I ever go back, they will somehow make me change my major, I love being a film major, I enjoy what I do, initially it was just because I wanted to rebel but I have grown a liking of the subject, I don't want to give it up", He finished as he finally looked at the younger.

"I know, it isn't a big deal, but still I don't like spending time with my father, he is too manipulative, his every move is measured, he does everything for his own benefit and I don't want to be used by him like that."

"And Seungkwan-ah, I am sorry I dragged you into this, but I was not looking forward to another fight, thus I took you with me, and see it definitely helped, thank you so much", Mingyu said as he smiled at the younger.

"Hyung, I appreciate but you should have told me before hand, I was really surprised", Seungkwan said as he leaned towards the older, making Mingyu chuckle as he let the younger take a bit of his ice cream and Seungkwan was done with his own.

"And about your father, I know I can't really understand everything you would have to go through when you lived together, but just remember I am really proud of you for doing what you want even when you don't really have the support, it's okay though I will be your support, as much support as you want", Seungkwan smiled at the older, earning a smile in return.

He knew that wasn't the best thing to say, but he wanted to lighten up the mood, he didn't know what to say to the older, because his father indeed was not that good and Seungkwan was sure the older wouldn't have liked if he would have sympathised with him so he decided to talk about the brighter thing instead that the older was doing what he liked.

"Thank you kwaine", Mingyu replied as he finished his left over ice cream and pulled Seungkwan in for a side hug.

"No ew you have melted ice cream on your hands, get them away from me", Seungkwan exclaimed as he tried to wiggle out of the older's grip, which only got stronger around his shoulder at the mention.

"Hyunggg", Seungkwan whined as he got out of the side hug and stood up, running towards the entrance of the park making the older follow.

And that's how they walked back home, Seungkwan trying to run away from Mingyu and the older quickly catching up and trying to hug Seungkwan, making the younger whine.


I had an hour before class, now 14 minutes to be exact, so I thought of utilising that.

I hope this makes sense 👀
And now it will start making sense why the book is called what it is called 👀👀
thank you ❤️

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