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Seungkwan couldn't process the words that left the older's mouth, thus all he did was stare back at the older, his lips slightly ajar.

"Kwaine", Mingyu called bringing him back to reality.

"hyung you don't have to", Seungkwan mumbled after minutes passed with him trying to collect his thoughts.

"What do you mean? I really mean it, I realised it I'm today and I swear I mean it with everything I have, I like you Boo Seungkwan", Mingyu repeated as he gave the younger a smile.

"I know everything I said yesterday or even before that, I messed up but now that I have realised my own feelings towards you, they are still confusing though but all I know is that I treasure you so much, you feel like home to me, I know I am being cheesy but it's true, I am okay as long as I have you beside me and I never want to let you go, I am sure about this, I promise, we will slowly figure things out, but I want us to be together as we do that, you can stay angry at me, but please don't leave me", Mingyu said as he gave Seungkwan an apologetic smile.

Seungkwan in return could only stare, he needed time to process all of this, he still couldn't believe this was happening.

"Hyung I-", he started but he couldn't form understandable sentences, he didn't trust himself with his words, he had come here determined to just take his things and leave never expecting things to turn out like this.

"It's okay kwaine, take your time", Mingyu smiled again, satisfied with the conversation they just had, atleast the younger didn't run away, he opened his arms, asking for permission to hug the younger who just willingly stepped into the hug, burying his head in the older's chest, letting a sigh of relief.

Later that night, they didn't exchange a single word, with a comfortable silence engulfed them, Seungkwan ended up not leaving as the pair layed together on the younger's bed, hands held together, with none of them speaking, the day had been really tiring for both of them, eventually sleep taking over them.

As Mingyu closed his eyes to drift off to his sweet dreamland he heard the younger whisper 'I like you too', which made him pull the younger closer, holding him in his arms as both of them drifted to sleep, finally finding peace in each other.


is this good though? I don't think so, the ending should be better and I hate myself for ending it like this, as I said ages later ( which is actually months later) I might end up re writing this or maybe not, but it's finally time to bid this book a good bye, there will be an epilogue ofc, but this is officially the last chapter, I hope it's not really disappointing, other than that thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it as much I did, because I have had this plot in my mind since ages and finally writing it and completing it feels really good, once again thank you for your time, I hope you all are having a nice day, stay safe and healthy ❤️ ( sorry if this was a disappointment again because I really feel like it is 👀)

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