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The pair was seated at the very back of the bus, the younger's head resting on the older's shoulder, a content smile dancing on his lips, even though he had a lot of fun but he no doubt was tired from all the walking around and he was hyper all throughout their exploration of the zoo and now that had died down, he was growing more and more sleepy, his limbs tired.

The sky was getting darker, the sun already down, the duo had stopped in between their bus ride to watch the sunset on Seungkwan's many whines, which Mingyu couldn't bring himself to dodge or disagree with thus delaying their journey.

"We are here", Mingyu announced, as the bus neared the nearest bus station to their destination.

Seungkwan curiously looked around trying to figure out where they were but all he found around himself were normal usual things which were around a bus station, one or maybe two convenience store, a road and a few other stores and a lot of people.

"We will have to walk a little", Mingyu answered before the younger could start his rapid fire round of questions with him.

Seungkwan groaned but nevertheless followed the older.

After a good ten minutes of walking, Seungkwan found himself in a park, with a few people around, even though the greenery was nice and the sky above them getting nicer by the minute but it was like any other park, he didn't understand why they had to come all the way here when they could have visited the park near their apartment, but he didn't voice his thoughts, just focused on enjoying whatever the older had to offer.

"Kwaine", the older's soft voice brought him back to reality, making him face the older, who just pointed his finger towards the opposite far end, making Seungkwan follow his finger and his gaze, surprised to see the fireworks going off, then he knew why they were here and not in the park beside their apartment.

Seungkwan's full attention was now on the fireworks which were going off painting the almost black night with different sparkly colours, a smile full of adoration mixed with a tint of excitment.

The older walked to stand beside the younger from his position behind him as he momentarily glanced at the younger, smiling when he saw the younger enjoying the fireworks show and then focusing his attention to enjoy the colours alongside the younger.

Seungkwan glanced at the older enjoying the beauty alongside him, his heart and body once again filling with that weird yet familiar feeling of gratefulness, admiration, fondness and completeness towards the older, that he had felt that night when Jeonghan had ended up telling the older everything and the older had not thought he was at fault, and had even consoled him making him feel the same feelings.

Mingyu turned around to see that the younger was already facing him, a smile on his lips, his lips which looked so pink and soft, his eyes then focusing on the younger's eyes which to him were sparkling, making him unconsciously smile.

Seungkwan hugged the older mumbling a 'thank you', along his shoulder as he felt the older hug him back only to pull away, making Seungkwan face him again.

"Kwan-ah I am really sorry for what happened", the older said as he looked down at the younger, who was still in his arms, just with a little distance between their upper bodies so that they can look at each other.

"Hyung its-", Seungkwan started but was intrupted by the older.

"No kwaine it's not okay and you don't have to pretend it's okay, I know I made a mistake, I over did the scolding and was mean and I didn't listen to you and that's my fault and I know my words hurt you and taking you out to all these places was not to distract you from the anger and hurt I just wanted to somehow show you that I really didn't mean a single word I said yesterday I don't know what I was thinking, I don't want to hold on to this but only if you believe me now and  you are not angry anymore, if you are, yell at me, I will accept everything but just know I didn't mean it and you are nothing like that, and then we can let this go whenever you are ready.", Mingyu explained his voice calm and collected as he still held the younger with his arms loosely hanging around the younger's torso.

Seungkwan sighed.

"Hyung I will not lie your words really did hurt, I know they weren't true but my mind won't let me live in peace, and it's just I am used to hearing stuff like that but that coming from you hurt, I am not trying to make you feel guilty, I am just being honest with you, I mean it's like ever since we met, I feel we share a different bond like you are always there whenever I am going through anything and you understand, even though we have known each other for only a few months but still you understand me so much sometimes even more than I understand my own self", Seungkwan paused to collect himself, as Mingyu's finger's gently combed his hair, side parting his bangs and then bringing them back to their original position, covering the younger's forehead.

"Everything you say matters a lot to me that is why I reacted that way, and I wasn't really very angry at you I just didn't know how to talk to you about it or about anything, because everytime I tried I felt like you didn't want to talk to me or as if I was a burden for you too, but now my mind has let go of that thought, you remembered everything I ever told you about the movie, about the zoo and about everything, it somehow makes me feel valid, makes me feel like whatever it is that we have is not one sided so I'm glad, sometimes I might doubt everything again but I know we will get through it", Seungkwan smiled at the older who just pulled him closer for another hug.

Both the boys now felt at ease after talking about the matter and being true with each other.

They looked at the sky now filled with stars with the smile imprinted on their faces, as they took a collective breath of relief.

"No", Seungkwan suddenly said, breaking the silence, making Mingyu raise his eyebrow in confusion.

"I am not walking back", Seungkwan whined as he sat down on the grass beneath their feet, unwilling to even get up.

Mingyu just chuckled as he let Seungkwan get on his back as be piggy-backed the younger to the bus station, riding the bus, where the younger fell asleep his head against the window, soon when the bus stopped at the bus station near their apartment, Mingyu had to pick up the sleeping younger and walk them towards their apartment, not minding to help the younger out of his clothes as he just got rid of their shoes and socks and layed down beside the still sleeping younger on his bed and soon drifted off to dreamland, one again satisfied with his day.


I'm extremely, sincerely, really very sorry for the late update.

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