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"Mingyu hyung", Seungkwan yelled again, groaning when he didn't get a response, again.

A week ago, when Seungkwan had moved in and the initial days, he had lived with the older, he thought Mingyu was this perfect responsible child, someone who could handle himself very well, well Seungkwan still thought that the older could handle himself way better than he himself could but now he had realised he wasn't that good at it either.

"Hyung", he tried again as he put the last book in his bag.

It was already 8 am and he had a class at 9 which was an hour away, nothing to worry about and  the older had his first class at 8:30, as Seungkwan remembered with his super great memory, they were talking about it last night. The problem was the older male was still not awake and Seungkwan was tired of yelling his name in order to wake him up.

Seungkwan sighed.

"There is no other way", he reassured himself as he quitely made his way to the older's room, hand on the handle, pushing it slightly and peeking inside the dark room.

After a minute of waiting, he fully opened the door and entered the room, feeling the wall for the light switch, flicking it on when he found it, earning a groan in return.

"Mingyu hyung",he softly whispered as he made his way towards the older's bed, who was still asleep.

"Hyung you are going to be late", He said, his voice louder now, as he stood beside the older's bed.

"Hyung", he tried again, this time louder, growing impatient.

"Mingyu hyung", Seungkwan whined as he shook the older.

"Get up now or you will be late for your class", he explained as the older opened his eye, looked at Seungkwan, making Seungkwan smile in relief, before closing his eyes again and turning the other way.

"I swear, get up now!", Seungkwan yelled as he pulled the pillow from under the older's head and hit him in the face with it.

"Yah", Mingyu yelled, his voice dripped with annoyance, waking up to a pillow being stormed on your face was never good.

"Wake up", Seungkwan said as he hit the older again with the pillow, which was still in his hands.

"Seungkwan", Mingyu said in a low voice, which didn't work on the younger as he hit the older again with the pillow, this time on his head.

"I am just waking you up, doing you a favour", the younger innocently said as he was about to continue his evil doing when a hand stopped him.

It was Mingyu holding Seungkwan's wrist in place, stopping him from hitting him with the stupid pillow.

"Well thank you so much", he replied, still annoyed, as he put all the pressure on the younger's wrist, which was still in his hands, as he got up, standing beside Seungkwan, ruffling his hair, making the younger whine immediately.

"That's for ruining my morning", with that he turned around, with a smile on his face, making his way towards their shared washroom, leaving behind an annoyed Seungkwan who frantically tried to fix his hair.

Back in his now  empty room, Mingyu hurriedly got ready, taking his books in one hand and his bagpack in another, as he stormed outside.

"Your breakfast?", Seungkwan asked getting up from his place on the couch.

"I'm late", Mingyu exclaimed as he tried putting on his shoes.

"Oh very surprisingly", Seungkwan mocked as he went to the older, taking his books and keeping them in his bag.

"Be safe and have a nice day, okay?", Mingyu said, glancing at the younger as he rushed outside the apartment, not waiting for the lift and taking the stairs.

Seungkwan sighed as he gathered his things and made his way outside.

It was 8: 20, if he could hurry and buy a small drink or something from the nearby cafe, he would reach their university in about 10 minutes, thus that's what he did.

He quickly locked the door, took the stairs, and walked hurriedly to the nearby cafe, which was half way between their apartment and their university, which weren't that far away from each other.

Since it was still early, the cafe was almost empty, no lines, making Seungkwan's body fill up with glee, he almost ran towards the counter and ordered a sandwich and a chocolate caramel latte, paying quickly and running towards his University.

"Great work", he told himself when he checked the time and it was 8:28, great.

But still too early to celebrate.

He walked quickly towards the film- major's building, praying he will reach there on time.

Soon enough he found himself outside a lecture room, which was full of students, but the professor was not there yet, a plus for Seungkwan, but he was too afraid to actually enter the packed lecture room.

He looked at his watch, it was already 8:31. Now or never.

Taking a deep breath, he quickly entered the room and to his surprise the talking didn't stop, relaxing him a little.

It took all the courage in him to look up at the students, trying to find the person he was looking for.

"Seungkwan-ah?", he heard him before he saw the taller walking towards him, wearing a confused expression.

"Hyung!", Seungkwan exclaimed in a small voice, his body relaxing completely.

"Quick", he mentioned as the older was leisurely walking towards him, he turned around towards the door to make sure the professor was not here yet.

"Breakfast. Don't skip.", he hurriedly said, handling the older his drink and a sandwich wrapped in tissue paper and quickly turned around, almost running out of the class, not even  letting Mingyu reply.

He continued running even when he was further away from the lecture room, relaxing only when he was outside the building.

He took a breath of relief, and looked at his watch, it was 8:38, he still had a lot of time as he slowly walked towards his own classroom.

Once Seungkwan reached his class room, he still had almost 15 minutes to spare, he sighed and made his way to his usual seat at the back, he was a nice student but he still preferred the seats at the back.

As Seungkwan reached the seats at the further most  corner of the class, he noticed Hansol was already there, his earphones in his ears as usual.

Over the week, he and Hansol had surprisingly become actual friends, even though they were very different from each other.

"Hey", he greeted as he sat down beside Hansol and took out one of his earphones, inserting it in his own ear. He wasn't really a hip hop person but he still enjoyed it and Hansol's taste in music was even though different from his but was still great, and the younger let Seungkwan choose a song of his choice from time to time,  thus they listened to songs together and waited for the class to begin, like they usually did.


I have a lot of things to say.
1. Was this chapter okayish? I don't know, I tried writing something cute but I kinda suck at it?

2. I organised all my thoughts about the book and wrote them down in my journal, so now you guys can trust me with this going mostly in the right direction.

3. lastly I will try not writing these chapter end notes from now on, until it's extremely necessary, since I feel they break the continuity.

4. Thank you so so so much for reading, and reviews and feedback are much appreciated and needed since someone has a tendency to doubt everything she does.

other than that, I hope y'all are having a nice day.
stay safe and healthy ❤️

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