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(Mingyu's smile at the end though, I am obsessed.)

After a while of just sitting there, Mingyu realised something as he pulled out his phone from his pocket and messaged Seungchoel telling him that he was with Seungkwan so he should not worry.

"Seungkwan-ah", Mingyu called softly, even though he liked how peaceful everything was at the moment but they still had to go back to their apartment, where maybe Seungchoel and Jeonghan were still waiting.

Seungkwan just nodded, as he looked at the older and gently placed the puppy down, whom the younger was holding throughout their conversation, and then stood up.

Mingyu smiled at him and stood up himself.

"Let's go", Mingyu said as they started walking back home.

Silence taking over them once again, as the two walked side by side.

Seungkwan's thoughts were running wild, the older's words still fresh in his brain, he still thought that he was the reason behind all of the things that happened but Mingyu's words had given him a new perspective, a new way to mould his thoughts, all these years he had been living with the guilt, maybe it was time for him to stop living in the past, Seungchoel and Jeonghan had done so much for him, all so that he could be happy and safe and he shouldn't waste all of their efforts like this, maybe he should be more grateful towards his hyung, that way everyone would feel better.


But he didn't know for sure, he was still confused, everything happened too quickly, Mingyu knew everything, everything about him, but it didn't feel wrong somehow, Seungkwan should have been angry about them talking about him without him being there but he wasn't, the first think that crossed his mind when he realised that the older knew everything was nervousness and shame, he was afraid Mingyu would see his fault and blame him like he blamed himself, but listening to Mingyu's words when they were in the park, made Seungkwan feel so much better, like he could finally let go of what was holding him down since these past few years, he was happy the older didn't think it was his fault.

He glanced at the taller walking beside him, his eyes looked tired but he still had a small smile on his, looking straight ahead, as his steps matched Seungkwan's.

Seungkwan suddenly felt a wave of gratefulness wash over him, his brain suddenly went back to every single time the older had helped him, may it be something as simple as cooking for him or cheering him up with a cup of hot chocolate, thinking back, Mingyu was always there for him since he moved in the apartment, he was always there, standing beside him, waiting patiently as he let Seungkwan do whatever he wanted at his own pace and comforting him whenever he couldn't do anything or being happy with him for his achievements, he didn't know this feeling he felt towards the younger, but he hoped he could continue being with older for as long as possible.

Seungkwan was brought out of his thoughts, as the older stopped walking, they were already in front of their apartment building, Mingyu waited for Seungkwan to say something or take the lead, he didn't want them to walk in with Seungkwan being mentally unprepared.

Seungkwan just smiled at the older, walking closer and hugging him.

"Thank you hyung, for everything", he mumbled as he felt the older hugging him back, at that moment he didn't want to let go.

But after a second, he slowly backed away from the hug and started walking inside, Mingyu right behind him.

Mingyu opened the door to their apartment, with his keys, as they reached their apartment.

They walked in to find the living room empty, Mingyu gestured towards the younger's room, making Seungkwan glance back and forth between his room's closed door and the older, before nodding.

He quitely made his way towards his room, opening the door, before he could over think any of this and step back.

Both of his hyungs were inside, Jeonghan's head resting on Seungchoel's shoulder, and Seungchoel's hand around Jeonghan's upper arm, reminding Seungkwan of Mingyu and himself, how they were in the park just a few minutes ago.

"Kwan-ah", Seungchoel said as he stood up from his place, relief evident in his voice.

Seungkwan didn't reply but speed walked towards the older and hugged him, as tight as he could, that's when the first tear rolled down his chubby cheeks.

"Seungkwan", Seungchoel whispered, as he hugged Seungkwan back.

"Why? What's wrong?", Seungchoel worriedly asked when he separated from the younger, only to see tears rolling down his cheeks.

Seungkwan just shook his head, as he diverted his attention to his other hyung on his bed, who was already looking back at him.

"Seungkwan-ah I am sorry", Jeonghan apologized, guilt washing over him again.

"No", was all Seungkwan mumbled before hugging the older, "Don't", he said again, as he tried to hug the older tighter than he already was, making the older smile.

"I love you", he mumbled along the older's hair.

"I love you", he repeated as he pulled his face out of Jeonghan's embrace and faced Seungchoel momentarily and then went back to his hug.

" We love you too kwaine", Seungchoel replied as he sat down on the bed beside the other two males, and patted Seungkwan's hair who was still hugging Jeonghan.

Mingyu just stood by the door, admiring the scene  before he decided to go make everyone some dinner, it had been a long day but he was happy that it ended happily.


I know this is short, but I wanted to publish this and the previous chapter together but I wasn't able to since wow studying sucks and it takes up all of my time so I am writing this at 2:56 am, sorry, the two chapters together would have been better.

but still thanks for reading
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and take care and stay safe ❤️

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