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"You can do this", Seungkwan exclaimed, his voice laced with determination as he got up from his bed, it was six in the morning and today was Seungkwan's first day of University, he was excited but was way more nervous.

He shook his head as he went to the shared washroom, the older was maybe still asleep since Seungkwan didn't find anyone in the kitchen or I'm the living room.

He quickly took a shower and got ready for the day.

His first class was not until 8 that morning so after he was done getting ready, he made his way to the couch and sat down, taking out his phone.

Sometime while Seungkwan was waiting, Mingyu woke up, greeted the younger with a smile and got ready. Seungchoel and Jeonghan had also arrived sometime later making Seungkwan whine.

He had told them not to go out of their way and come here to pick him up and drop him off to his University, but Jeonghan had argued since it was the younger's first day, which Seungkwan didn't get, it was his first day of university not his first day of elementary school.

"We came all the way here for you and instead of appreciating it, you are complaining?", Seungchoel asked, trying to sound disappointed, making Seungkwan get his point.

The one thing Seungkwan absolutely didn't like was disappointing his hyung and Seungchoel sometimes took advantage of the fact.

"Sorry", the younger mumbled looking down.

"I just want to make sure you are safe", Seungchoel
replied, smiling at his younger brother.

"Mingyu come with us", he said as he saw the taller come out of his room dressed in a jeans and a casual T-shirt.

"Where?", he questioned confused, he was surprised to see both Seungchoel and Jeonghan in their apartment this early in the morning.

"University off course", Seungchoel replied, shrugging his shoulders, as he checked the watch, it was about time they left.

He pulled Seungkwan up from the couch earning a small whine in return, making him sigh.

"Seungkwan", he warned, making the younger male get back up on his feet and walking outside leaving the other three in the living room.

Jeonghan explained the situation to a still confused Mingyu as all three of them followed the youngest down the stairs to Seungchoel's car.

"I mean I get him, like not him being this whiny but his point, he isn't a kid anymore, you guys don't have to drive him for his first day of university", Mingyu answered after listening to why the older two were really here.

"You kids are ungrateful", Seungchoel replied, ending the topic there as they neared his car.

He unlocked the car making everyone get inside, him in the driver's seat, Jeonghan in the passenger's seat and both the students in the back seat.

It was a quite ride and soon they were at their destination.

"Have a great day", Jeonghan exclaimed as he hugged Seungkwan who despite hugging him back didn't had the happiest look on his face.

"Don't do anything stupid and stay safe, okay", Seungchoel nodded then sighed and pulled the younger in for a hug.

"Okay it's about time we get inside", Mingyu announced, earning everyone's attention.

Seungkwan nodded and followed the taller inside.

Mingyu was nice enough to walk Seungkwan to his first class, after breifly pointing at the places, naming them as they came along.

Seungkwan thanked the older and made his way inside the lecture room,he walked straight at the back and took a seat in the last row, waiting for more people to come in and for the lecture to begin.

Slowly the students started piling in one by one, Seungkwan hoped someone nice would sit beside him and at the same time he hoped no one would, since it will be awkward but he still was looking forward to making new friends.

Soon after, when almost the entire lecture hall was full, a boy dressed in way too bright colours for Seungkwan's liking, came and sat down beside Seungkwan.

"Hi I am Hansol", he breifly introduced himself before plugging his phone with his ear phones, not even letting Seungkwan reply.

The teacher soon came in and the weird boy beside Seungkwan kept his phone and earphones away, putting his full attention on the teacher or at least trying to.


The day wasn't as eventful as Seungkwan had thought it would be, he got lost a few times and was late for his lectures but other than that nothing unusual.

The Hansol guy who sat next to Seungkwan shared two classes with him and was actually nice and pretty chill. Seungkwan liked to consider him as his new friend even when they just met and sat together for maybe 3 hours in total out of which most of the time Seungkwan was busy writing in his notebook.

That was another thing, he had thought since it was the first day, the teachers would go easy on them but to Seungkwan's dismay it wasn't highschool anymore, he already had two assignments due, one next Tuesday and the other next friday, even thinking about it made him sigh.

Currently Seungkwan was walking back home, thankfully today he didn't have any classes which had likes hours worth of gap between them, he would hate to go back home only to come back later after some time for his next class.

He hummed along to the song playing in his earphones as he walked back to his shared apartment.

Suddenly he had a great idea, making him forget all about his bad assignments and cheer with glee.

He thought of Mingyu and how for the past few days that he had moved in their shared apartment, the older was helping him out and even cooking him food, so he decided to buy some lunch for both, the older and himself.

He quickly called the older, checking whether or not he was at home or was in some class.

The older picked up after the third ring, making Seungkwan happier, he was at home, he could surprise him with food and thank him for everything and also promise to not mess everything up again.

"Hyung", he exclaimed excitedly.

"Seungkwan?", the older asked, unsure, as this was the first time the younger had called him after he gave him his number in the morning while walking the younger to his class, before parting ways.

"Yes are you home?", Seungkwan questions, his words coming quicker because of the excitement.

"Yes why-", Mingyu answered but was cut off by the younger saying an 'okay' and hanging up, confusing him.

Seungkwan on the other hand quickly made his way to the nearest restaurant to buy them a nice lunch, humming in satisfaction.


thank you so much for reading.
and sorry if the story is moving too slowly or is getting boring, please do tell me if it is, I will work on it.
thank you :)
stay safe and healthy ❤️

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