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( featuring Hansol )

"Sorry hyung", Seungkwan mumbled softly, he and Mingyu were in the kitchen, cooking their lunch and Seungkwan had accidentally dropped the vegetables the older has cut as he was trying to add those in the pot with the boiling water.

"It's okay kwanie, we can just wash them again", Mingyu smiled back at the younger, as he joined the younger who was frantically trying to get every peice of the chopped vegetables back in the container, which was previously housing them.

"It's really okay", Mingyu reassured, facing the younger who was still crouching down on the ground, looking guilty, as he went to the sink to wash the vegetables.

"I always ruin everything", Seungkwan mumbled more to himself, except the older heard.

Mingyu kept the vegetables aside, turned the gas stove off and made his way towards the younger, making him stand up.

"Seungkwan-ah it's was just a mistake and it's okay, everyone makes mistakes, don't beat yourself over something like this okay?", Mingyu explained, as he patted the younger's shoulder followed by ruffling his hair, not really satisfied when he didn't get a whine from the younger but letting it be for now.

"We are almost done so go sit in the living room, or maybe choose a movie for later, I will bring the food there", Mingyu said as he eyed the younger one last time before facing his back to Seungkwan and focusing on their lunch. Later today, Jeonghan and Seungchoel were coming and they have agreed to have a movie night tonight.

Soon enough both the boys were done with their food and were just laying in the living room, Seungkwan was typing away on his laptop, working on his paper while Mingyu was just laying on the floor playing with his phone, he had nothing else to do.

A comfortable silence engulfing them.

Until Seungkwan's phone started ringing, the sound of an old wonder girl's song filling the room, Mingyu found it cute how devoted the younger was at being a wonder girl's fan even when they weren't really active anymore.

"Sorry", Seungkwan quickly stood up and answered his phone, stopping the loud music.

Mingyu wasn't even doing anything important, he didn't know why the younger apologized for the noise, but he shrugged it away, turning his attention back to his phone.

"Yeah I'm so sorry, I will complete that till tomorrow", Seungkwan mumbled on his phone, a tint of sadness in his voice, as he looked up towards the ceiling, and then back to facing the black TV screen.

"Yeah I know, but I promised you, I will complete it", he said again.

"No, it's my fault sorry", Seungkwan repeated, Mingyu's complete attention now was on the younger.

"That's doesn't make a difference, if I said I would do it, I should have done it, I am sorry", Seungkwan apologized again.

Mingyu was really curious as to what had happened that the younger was apologizing continuously.

"Yeah okay, bye", Seungkwan slowly said and waited for the other person to hang up before ending the call and letting out a deep sigh.

"What happened?", Mingyu asked a little concerned seeing how the younger messed up his own hair out of frustration.

"Nothing I am just dumb", Seungkwan mumbled as he groaned and went back to his laptop, his foot bouncing up and down, as he tried focusing on the work at hand.

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