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That one time when Seungkwan had tried to wake up the older by hitting his precious face with the pillow, it hadn't ended quite well, so now Seungkwan had changed to another habit of playing a song for the older and singing along it every morning, initially the older had scolded Seungkwan and told him to go away with the music but now it was more like a routine to both of them, even though every morning the older was visibly annoyed by the music but he was still thankful of Seungkwan for waking him up so that he can be on time.

"Wakeeeee up wake up", Seungkwan sang along the song, as he tried getting the blanket covering the older away from him and bringing the phone closer to the older's ear.

"I am up", Mingyu groaned, as he tried getting the blanket from the younger's grip.

"Are you?", Seungkwan asked between his music show, still not stopping.

"Yes I am", Mingyu replied, still struggling against Seungkwan's hand holding the blanket, trying to take it away.

"Promise?", Seungkwan asked again, making sure the older was actually awake and didn't go back to sleep as soon as he left the room, that had happened before so Seungkwan wasn't taking any chances.

"Promise.", Mingyu replied as he stopped all his movements of struggling to take the blanket as a sign that he was ready to give up the blanket and actually get up.

"Okay great, get ready then, we will leave together", Seungkwan said, already making his way outside the older's room.

Even though they went to the same university, they never left together, since almost every time, their classes were at different times, Mingyu's classes were usually earlier than Seungkwan's and today wasn't any different, but Seungkwan just felt like walking together so that's what they will do.

Seungkwan was already ready, so he made his way towards the kitchen to make the older some breakfast, he wasn't the best cook but he could manage making something simple, and he really didn't want the older to miss his breakfast like he usually did since he was almost always late, so he settled with making a simple sandwich.

After about half an hour, Mingyu walked out of his room, dressed in a jeans and some loose T-shirt, his hair still wet from the shower, his hands busy putting his books in his bag.

"You said we will leave together?", Mingyu questioned as soon as he saw Seungkwan in the kitchen.

"Yes", Seungkwan simply answered as he walked towards the older and put  the sandwich, that he made in the older's mouth, gesturing him to take a bite, before leaving to get his own bag.

"Do you have a class earlier than usual?", Mingyu asked again, between his bites, as he again took a bite from the sandwich, holding the sandwich with his mouth as he busied his hands with trying to put on his shoes.

"Nope", Seungkwan replied as he followed the older and took the sandwich out of the older's mouth, letting him chew the bite he had taken before, followed by letting him take another bite as he was still wearing his shoes.

"Then?", Mingyu asked when he finished chewing, and then finished tying his shoe lace, allowing Seungkwan to feed him the sandwich as he continued gathering all his things.

"Nothing, no reason", Seungkwan replied, he himself didn't have an answer to why he wanted to leave early, ever since the incident which happened a few days ago, Seungkwan had been feeling this weird kind of feeling towards the older and even though he had an idea about what it was, he didn't really want to accept it, wishing it will go away by itself.

"Well you make complete sense", Mingyu sarcastically said, as he slightly bend down to take the last bite of his sandwich which the younger was still holding in his hands, somewhere lost in his thoughts, slightly biting the tip of the younger's finger along with his food making the younger yelp and come back to reality.

"Yah Kim Mingyu", Seungkwan yelled as he looked at his finger and then at Mingyu and the older just smiled at him, his cute puppy teeth on full display as his mouth was still full of food and ran out of the apartment, making Seungkwan follow.

They argued about what the older previously did during the entire walk towards their university campus, the older initially defended himself by claiming it was a mistake and when Seungkwan didn't buy that at all, Mingyu agreed he did that intentionally but only because the younger was lost in his thoughts and they were apparently getting late and so he didn't  have any other option, and Sungkwan thought that was absolutely senseless.

"Still it's your fault, you ate my finger", Seungkwan exclaimed as they neared their university.

"I didn't eat your finger, I just slightly bit it you're being dramatic", Mingyu replied, they were having this same conversation for the third time now.

"Shut up nobody ate your finger so you don't know, it hurts", Seungkwan mumbled as he faced away from the older, he knew he was being dramatic and it didn't really hurt but still he wanted to make his point look valid.

Mingyu stopped walking, making the younger stop walking as well, turning towards the older, one of his  eyebrows raised, inverbally questioning Mingyu about what on earth was he doing.

Mingyu just took the younger's hand and kissed the finger he had previously bit, surprising Seungkwan.

"Now it won't, lets go", Mingyu said as he held onto the younger's hand, dragging him towards their university, walking all the way towards the younger's class, with his hand still holding Seungkwan's, and finally dropping him off to a still empty class room before turning to face the younger, letting his hand go, mumbling a sorry and see you and walking away to his own lecture room.


sorry, this is short, again .

The main thing I wanted to ask was like initially I mentioned that this was gonna be short, so should I just like move on with the story to the next main thing and keep this short, or should I take it slow? I really would like to know your opinion, thank you.

Also I would appreciate if you guys checked the conversation thingy? on my profile, thank you so much ❤️

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