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Mingyu's body didn't react as fast as he would have liked it too, he had decided to make Jeonghan a cup of hot chocolate rather than tea, because that's what he did when Seungkwan was in a bad mood, and it definitely helped.

He felt proud of himself for thinking of that and possibly succeeding in cheering up the older, but when he took the tray with hot chocolate and a few cookies to Seungkwan's room he found the older sitting still staring at nothing in particular, as slow tears rolled down his cheeks, he sighed as he kept the tray on the study table beside the bed and made his way towards the older, engulfing him in what he thought was a comforting hug, rubbing the older's back gently, that's when they heard the door open, immediately making him separate himself from the older, facing the door, regretting it immediately, there at the entrance of the room stood Seungkwan, his face going from surprised to confused and then finally to something he couldn't understand, that's when Seungkwan's eyes met his and his facial features changed, Mingyu could tell the younger was scared, as he mumbled an apology and before Mingyu could even process everything, Seungkwan was already out of the door, running away.

He reacted a second late, and that was too late, Seungkwan had already left the apartment, worry washing over him, Seungkwan knew about him knowing everything and he was scared and he had run away, he had this sudden realisation, everything entering his brain at once, he didn't know what to do, wether he should follow the younger or should give him some time.

Jeonghan was back to crying, he felt more guilty seeing that look on Seungkwan's face, he knew he had ruined everything, he shouldn't have said anything.

Mingyu on the other hand, as he stood in the living room, was going crazy, he didn't know where to go, he was worried of Seungkwan getting hurt and wanted to go find him as soon as he could but he couldn't leave Jeonghan like that, who probably was feeling worse, he felt useless, he was there yet he couldn't do anything.

So he did what he thought was right.

He called Seungchoel.

"Mingyu-",he didn't even let the older complete his statement before dropping the bomb

"Hyung I am really sorry, but can you come at the apartment, Jeonghan hyung us crying and Seungkwan ran away, I will explain later, please don't panic, I am going to look for Seungkwan, please get back at the apartment as soon as you can, but drive safely, thank you", He said everything in one breath before hanging up, not letting the older question him about anything, he knew the older would be here soon so he left the front door unlocked and made his way outside the apartment building.

He tried looking for Seungkwan around, in his neighbourhood for some time, not finding the younger anywhere, maybe he was at the convenience store, Mingyu thought as he ran towards the store.

He walked in the store, which was filled with people, he looked through every asile, not a trace of Seungkwan, this somewhat scared him, he hopped the younger was alright where ever he was.

It was evening, the sun was about to set, Mingyu sighed as he continued looking around the area where the convenience store was, there was no where else to go, maybe he went to one of his friend's house, but Mingyu didn't have any of his friend's number or he didn't even know where they lived.

Mingyu let out a sigh of frustration.

He tried calming himself down.

If Seungkwan was with a friend, he was not in any danger so he shouldn't worry, heck it was better if the younger was with one of his friends and not alone.

Before walking back home, he decided to check one last place for the younger.

He speed walked, towards the park, they usually visited after their dinner, as they went on a walk, it was almost always empty, so the younger could be there.

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